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Everything posted by cscboulder11

  1. Uhh... what? Just how stupid do you have to be to even think of doing a thing like this? Surprised he didn't get sicker or die from a BAC that high.
  2. The teacher announced that she had something behind her back that was round and good to eat. Johnny guessed that it was an apple. She said, "No, it's an orange, but I like the way you're thinking." Johnny then announced that he had something in his pocket that was long and hard. The teacher blushed and said "Johnny, how dare you!" He said, "No, it's a pencil, but I like the way you're thinking!"
  3. Denver, CO. I'd like to with with Denver Paramedics and get my AAS from paramedic school up there.
  4. I've had several articles published in magazines.
  5. Acute, rapid onset pain and she's clutching the right location. The lowered HR and BP makes me think that it might've burst. Appendicitis requires emergency surgery and I'm not sure what an EMT-B can do for it. I'll find out what medications she's on/allergic to, pertinent history, full assessment if one hasn't been performed already, and other info for the ED. I'm not 100% positive that this involves the appendix, but if it does, I want to limit time on scene and get her to the nearest surgery center that can handle it.
  6. Sounds like appendicitis could be a cause. Time to transport her to the nearest hospital that can handle it.
  7. In addition to what Happiness said, is the abdomen tender? Any recent falls, drops? How long has the pain been going on? Any other complaints?
  8. I knew about blowing the roofs off and then igniting buildings, but the chemical fuse bomb is news to me. Thanks for that info, Bernhard.
  9. Maybe it's just me, but this sentence on the next page is worrying: "Human beings can, and often do, live with only one good lung." To me, it sounds like "Oh, did you do something wrong with the needle? No problem, they can just use the other one." Overall though, it's disturbing.
  10. http://espn.go.com/golf/story/_/id/8284599/augusta-national-adds-first-two-female-members Looks like we have our answer.
  11. Do you have money or investors lined up? If no, kill your dream now. Do you have political friends? If no, kill your dream now and bury it 6 feet under. If the answer is yes to both, continue. How are you going to meet your overhead? County contract (facing opposition) or private? Overhead is going to include: -EMT-B / AEMT / Paramedic salary + benefits + health plan + whatever else -Ambulances (are they going to be new or used? How much will you pay in gas?) -Company building (factor in maintenance, gas, water, electricity, phone, etc.) -Equipment -Drugs -Human resources -PR -Your salary -Maintenance on ambulances What makes you a different (and better) employer of EMTs/Paramedics than others? Who's going to act as medical control and write protocols? What are you going to do when you don't meet overhead? What's your short term plan? Long term? Do you know your state's certification requirements? How many ambulances will you need? What makes your company better than others? Can you get a loan? What if your company goes under? Do you have a plan to meet final paychecks? Do you know your state's employment laws? OSHA's? Answer those and you might have a company. It's far better to be realistic now than throw money at a doomed concept.
  12. Rosetta Stone is pricey, but good.
  13. Everyone has pretty much said it already. The co-worker was an asshole. The family knows your former pt's wishes much better.
  14. Beyond what I know, but was this at night or day? You said 2 am, then warm summer day.
  15. We'll have to see. Insanity defenses require lots of psychological testing and if there's no history of any mental illness, I doubt he'll get it.
  16. I hope they fry the sick SOB.
  17. I'm curious as to why a three year old post was revived.
  18. Yep. The complaint against ATC is that he was "descending too fast" though. ATC did not make him descend. The pilot made the plane descend. That's my gripe with the company.
  19. IFR. Crash happened as he was coming in to land. See NTSB report above.
  20. Correct. FAR 91.3, section A: "The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the the operation of that aircraft." It's ludicrous that a company that deals with airspace could even think of placing the blame on ATC when it's the pilot's resposbility to maintain control. The only reason a pilot would descend too fast is in an emergency that should've been delcared. NTSB report: http://www.ntsb.gov/aviationquery/brief.aspx?ev_id=20070214X00187&key=1 Cause was pilot error. He assumed all responsibility flying into that area.
  21. Passed on to me - https://www.coursera.org/category/medicine Thought some of you would like this as they're all free.
  22. Lucky you. I have idiots in my neighborhood who will start the firecrackers tonight and won't stop until 3 am on the 5th, statewide ban be damned. In the past few years, they've also started launching the kind you see at fireworks shows. Those are the idiots I call the cops on.
  23. I'll be hosing down anyone in sight that has a firecracker.
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