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Everything posted by cscboulder11

  1. More reply options > Upload file. The limit is 500 K If your file exceeds that, you'll have to copy/paste or upload on another site and provide the link.
  2. I think medical control should be in the form of a fully loaded shotgun.
  3. PS3: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Assassin's Creed II Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Assassin's Creed Revelations MLB: The Show '10 PC: Flight Simulator X Star Wars: Empire at War Recently sold Battlefield 3 (PS3) and picking up MLB: The Show 2012 (PS3) tomorrow. I also have a Gamecube along with some games, but I haven't touched that in years.
  4. Wind is blowing all that smoke down here to the Springs. Mind telling the FFs to put it out a little faster? And yes, Boulder is a little...out there. I recall a resident who wanted to take a few hundred feet off Pikes Peak and use it as a refueling station for "alien motherships." Still far better than here though.
  5. If someone is bitten, the best thing you can do is get them calm to slow the spread of venom. There's a debate on whether or not to use a torquinet to slow the spread if the bite is located on an extremity, but I've heard this isn't effective. Symptoms generally show 20-30 minutes after a bite in an adult. As for anti-venom at hospitals, it's generally limited to what you find in the region. If you get bitten by an exotic snake, a hospital will have to fly anti-venom in, assuming you'll live long enough.
  6. I'll take a stab at this with what I've gained from reading. C-spine on as a precaution first. Partner gets a history. What led up to the crash? Drinking? How many drinks? (Multiply whatever he says by 3) My biggest worry is that fence post. Did it go all the way through? If it hasn't already done so, his lung is probably going to collapse. His heart might have been nicked as well. What are his breath sounds like? Let's stabilize the post so it doesn't move. Depending on the length, it might need to be cut to move and board him. That worries me as any movement on the post will make things worse. Next worry is internal bleeding. Unless anyone can set up a sterile tent and perform field surgery, the FFs need to work harder. Airway seems intact with his good SP02 and RR. What's his skin like? Is his right leg just pinned or is it fractured/broken? Is there a distal pulse in his trapped foot? I'm not sure what the HEMS pack has. If it has pain meds, I want Jake to get them before he goes into shock or becomes unconscious. As soon as this guy is out of the truck, he's going to the level I trauma center. Edit: Assumed it was, but should've written it. Is the scene safe? Are we shielded from traffic? Anything leaking from the car? Battery disconnected?
  7. http://www.emtcity.com/topic/21988-please-help-me-improve-my-narratives/
  8. Have you checked here - https://careers.peopleclick.com/careerscp/client_denverhealth/External/search.do ? You'll find living in Colorado an upgrade from Florida.
  9. I'm curious as to why you included what the pt's home looks like unless it was cluttered enough (think hoarder) to interfere with any treatments or posed a risk to either you or the pt, or you noticed any drug paraphernalia.
  10. Note my use of the word 'can.' Is it sometimes faster to go by air? Yes. Is it always? No. Calling for Life Flight needs to be weighed against the condition of the pts and how fast that the heli can reach you and get back to the hospital vs. transporting by ambulance. It's a judgement call in every situation.
  11. If you have a more patient with a critical issue (such as a GSW or cardiac issues) and they're out in the middle of nowhere, a heli can be faster in getting them to an ER than an ambulance would be able to.
  12. -Can take a while to get the heli out to pts -Limited by weather -Limited by range -Needs a LZ, which takes time to find and clear a suitable one -Not always faster than ground transport
  13. -In a MCI, adds additional transport capability for pts -Useful in rocky terrain, as it can get pts out where ambulances cannot go -Can provide faster transport in remote situations than ground transport can
  14. Go to your profile, then click on the 'reputation' tab, and select 'received.'
  15. Future EMS student (class starts spring 2013) / Writer for a magazine.
  16. cscboulder11


    I've seen a few members with the banned title.
  17. That girl needs serious professional help - and lots of it.
  18. Best wishes for you and your family.
  19. Greetings. Regarding your name, what kind of pox are you wishing upon us?
  20. The premise is true, but I feel the article just wants to sensationalize everything. But ambulances do explode. A lot. - This is a regular event? all of which must be used by the EMTs while weaving in and out of traffic at top speed and blasting through stoplight. - I've yet to see this. EMTs will almost always experience burnout '- Almost always' is not a number. services run in 12- or even 24-hour shifts. True, but they make it sound like you are on a call during that entire time. Learn it today, unlearn it tomorrow. Relearn it again next month. - The medical field is always changing. New techniques and practices come into play. You get more good things than bad out of this change. weighing just shy of a ton - I didn't realize EMTs provided care to whales.
  21. I just laughed at it. Sadly, people will buy this.
  22. This is one of the those cases where life really isn't fair. Keeping a very positive attitude in the face of terminal illness is quite an inspiration.
  23. I didn't have any issues as well. If you do encounter this in the future, try this: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ . That'll tell you if it's an issue on your end or if the site really is down. Being able to access it on another device means it's a computer problem, but there are a thousand different ways that can be diagnosed.
  24. Tough times. Sorry that you're going through all of this. Although everything you listed is a pressing issue, I feel your husband's resentment needs to be addressed immediately. Left unchecked, that's just going to fester and make an already bad situation worse. For your daughter, has she talked to a finical adviser? Beyond that, I'm not sure what she can do. For your son, there's not much you can do beyond giving him some help for his interview. Assuming the flight medic job would pay enough, I would take it and hire a caretaker for your parents and spend the extra time with your husband and daughter. It sounds like you're dangerously close to becoming completely burned out. I understand that you want to take care of everyone, you also need some 'you' time, which is not selfish at all.
  25. It sounds much more like a toxic service than anything "wrong" you did. I would find a new service and get out of your current one ASAP.
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