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Everything posted by BillKaneEMT

  1. Happy new year folks. Still got 2 and a half hours til mine but I'm about to pass out. Just finished my 5th consecutive 16 and I'm too damn old to be running on 4 or 5 hours sleep a night for that long. Gonna crash for 20 hours or so and I'll see you all in 2013. I'm sure those of us who are off plan to use DD's or taxis tonight so I'll just say; be safe and have a great time!
  2. Oh man. That was awful. My stomach is churning after that. Holy hell. I can't imagine what those surgeons are gonna do for this guy. I watched it through, I'll admit I turned my head and just watched from the corner of an eye at a few points though. Damn. Id say that's unfixable tbh.
  3. Excellent. Gonna pass these on. Some I vaguely recall seeing before but: Simple Simon met a pie man going to the fair. Said Simple Simon to the pie man, 'What have you got there?' Said the pie man unto Simon, 'Pies, you dumb ass' !! and There was a little girl who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad........ She got a fur coat, jewels, a waterfront condo, and a sports car. Are new to me and instant classics. In large part due to the accuracy of them! ;-D
  4. Just over 1280 a month or so ago. He was a direct admit, bypassed the ER altogether. Didn't get any follow up info on him.
  5. Bahahahaha. Funny funny stuff.
  6. That was a quick survey. Let us know how it goes, good luck.
  7. Still with the jokes. *sad headshake* Oh my Cod. You guys are giving me a splitting haddock, you know that?! @ERDoc: No problem, happy to kelp. Unfortunately I have to take a little break from this thread. I've got a show in an hour and it's time to tuna guitar and head for the venue. You folks have fin now!
  8. For shame! Imagine how you'd feel if the victim here was a family member and you read all these horrible puns about this sort of tragedy. Admit it, you'd be steamed.
  9. I'm not really surprised by the penalty he's facing. One of our field supervisors who's an EMT-B in this state started an IV in a patient during a 911 call and had his cert permanently revoked in this state. He's still certified as an EMT-I in another state though. In that case there were no adverse affects for the patient but he still got nailed. Part of that may have been political though. Still, reading the article I'm a little surprised he got off as lightly as he did.
  10. This is atrocious. I keep trying to think of a set of circumstances in which this could be an understandable error and I'm coming up short. I can't imagine how the patient and their family must be feeling right now.
  11. I can read the top word but that's it. When I try to focus in on the rest it just gives me a blinding headache:/ Hate those tests.
  12. Varies from place to place in my area, also depends who's on the counter. We have an Arby's where 2 of the cashiers and one of the managers give us the police/fire discount which is 50% but the rest won't. If they're working, cool. If not, go somewhere else. Panda Express offers a straight 10% off to all fire/PD/EMS in our area. A few Subway's offer 30-50% off around here. If they offer it, great. If not, start packing a bag lunch. Neither I nor my partner would ever ask for one though. Way I see it, if they don't offer it they aren't going to suddenly change their mind because we ask. It's a privilege not a right imo, but that's just my personal feelings. I WAS surprised the other day though, stopped at a Firehouse Subs restaurant, the Sub place created and owned by Firefighters and so very very proud of it. There were a couple guys from a township FD in line ahead of us who got really mad when they didn't get a discount. Given that their signs all talk about the wondrous firefighter mythos and stuff it's mildly amusing that they don't offer a discount. The FD guys went off for a bit then left without ordering. I wish I could say the sandwiches were amazing but... I'd be lying. double the cost of subway and not as tasty. It's ironic that they offer no discount given how Fire-centric the company is but it certainly doesn't bother me. Managers/owners make those calls. I'll try to stop at places that offer discounts but only if it's convenient.
  13. Perhaps. I have some numbers that I found extremely interesting here though. Regrettably the numbers are found in an editorial article of the type so often found on the interwebs (conspiracy theory/paranoia- esque), which I don't particularly agree with. Feel free to skip down to the numbers for an interesting read. I thought I posted this last night but it seems I didn't. http://www.motorists...-safety-paradox edit: If you totally agree with the opinion behind the article, more power to ya. I'm not saying the author's nuts, his numbers are pretty shocking and he presents his case well. I simply think the numbers speak for themselves and he would have made a better case without the first half of the article. One man's opinion, I won't argue if you think he's dead on. I've come to the conclusion that arguing opinions on the internet is probably the least effective use of time in the history of our planet. I'll discuss facts all day though
  14. I noticed something similar to this doing a transfer through Michigan City last week. It's pretty wacky to see a train moving down the middle of the street.
  15. Yah, well; on the one hand I think people do post inappropriate stuff on FB all the time. Not necessarily things that are incorrect or even "bad" just things that you probably shouldn't say to your coworkers, colleagues, family members, neighbors, everyone you know the planet, etc. My FB is blank except to friends and even so I rarely post a status update or comment, and even then only after careful proofreading. Frankly, I hate facebook. If it weren't for the fact that everyone I know relies on the stupid site to manage pretty much all social situations I'd delete my account. I have done just that twice before and each time it was a huge pain. FB has, to a large extent, replaced actual human interaction for a lot of people. Be careful. Big brother is watching, and he's everyone you know, or have known, or may know, or who knows you. But hey, enjoy that Farmville and whatnot. In fairness, I have to admit that FB has a huge upside for folks who are overseas or simply not close enough to their loved ones to interact regularly. It lets people in that predicament feel some inclusion into the daily lives of their family and friends. I wish that firefighter luck. A lot of people have had their lives turned upside down based on a single decision. Not even a bad decision sometimes. Such is life.
  16. I think maybe an 80 decibel Yakov Smirnov screaming: "In Soviet Russia, ambulance yield to you!!" over and over and over and over....
  17. Unless it means he was a really, really bad private investigator I'm gonna assume public intoxication. As has been mentioned, the state EMS office is where you need to get this answer.
  18. We have just under a hundred rigs, maybe 18 of them ALS, to cover all 911 services in about 70% of the 2 counties in our operating area. Plus all prescheduled transports, long distance runs, fairs/festivals/parades/concerts and so forth. They don't all run 24/7, in fact most of them aren't going between 2200 and 0300. We have enough to cover our areas and give us leeway in the event of unforeseen problems and our rules are identical to Bernhard's with one exception: coming by an incident with a (critical) patient on board - stop, render aid for all and call for getting help. If we see an MVA with a critical patient on board we will tell dispatch and they will swap to the local pd channel and let them know. Assuming it's in our coverage area they will also dispatch a rig or 2 to the scene. If we are code 3 to a hospital due to patients condition we're not stopping unless we are physically involved in the MVA.
  19. An hour away to meet the ambulance? Remote beach sounds like a bit of an understatement. Here's a slightly more detailed article. http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/he-was-just-holding-his-stomach-in-20120829-2512s.html. Sounds like he's going to make it and regain at least some use of his arm. It says they don't know what type of shark it was but the locals apparently saw a 4 meter great white at a nearby reef.
  20. I see what you're saying Arctic. They're eliminating the EMT-b designation altogether and locking you up unless you pay em and take a 4 hour course. Staying locked is a bad option so you'll probably have to pony up if you want them to keep you current on treatment options. For the emt's I guess they're just screwed unless they can come up with the tuition for PCP school. Are they totally eliminating BLS rigs or are they going to have the new EMR's still working them? Also, how tough is it to get loans for school up there? I'm probably going to have to get a family member to co sign a loan for me this spring, my bank pretty much spit in my face when I checked into student loans.
  21. You're saying they froze you at emt-p and you cannot move to a higher level? That's insane. I assume I'm just not comprehending some aspect of this situation due to ... I dunno. Cultural differences I guess? Ok. 10 years ago Advanced Care Paramedics appeared and they were identical to EMT-P's in scope of practice. They had diplomas as opposed to certs though, so existing emt-p's were offered the chance to get diplomas through a bridge program. I get that part. It didn't effect you or improve your pt care so you took a pass. I get that. They release the new National Occupation Competency Profile in 2011 and suddenly the Advanced Care Paramedics, who up until now have been identical to you in scope of practice, can continue adapting, accepting new protocols and improving their patient care abilities in myriad ways while YOU are stuck in your current place? You don't get, for example, some new meds when they're approved for use on the rigs by ACP's? Assuming I misunderstood things, then I apologize and blame lack of coffee. Assuming I didn't misunderstand then that's just silly. Unless I'm missing some other aspect of the situation. Since my coffeemaker is taking it's sweet time today that's entirely possible. I require caffeine to function. I don't expect my car to run on no fuel~!
  22. Yah, well google mosquito bites in texas and see what you get. The various news agencies are trying to play this out like it's The Bubonic Plague II: Back to the Pandemic! Every time I turn on the news it seems to be another West Nile story. We get it, West Nile Virus is bad, mosquitos spread it. Understood. I've been bitten by, roughly, 25000 mosquitos this year. No West Nile. This isn't like a zombie outbreak where one bite = instant death, but you'd never know it if you spend much time watching the news. Oh well, assuming the world doesn't end this winter I'm sure we'll look back on this like the last generation looks back at the Swine Flu terror of the 70s. I wonder why that dispatcher sent an ALS rig 45 minutes out for a mosquito bite? Possibly it was the only available rig and they have a guaranteed response policy or something. Maybe they don't use bls rigs there. Oh well, peopl eare nuts and life is wacky.
  23. Umm. Toward the end of that article it sounded like one of those nasty work/politics situations I do my very best to stay the hell away from. They have the mutual aid thing so hopefully it'll work out for the patients.
  24. I'd say over a third of these apply to me and I haven't even been doing this that long yet. Funny stuff.
  25. Ok. So the article was somewhat interesting, particularly since I've been predicting a mass cow uprising for over a decade now. I really can't figure out how this article was chosen though. I mean, it doesn't really seem to have an EMS aspect. I'm not questioning news robot so much as I am JEMS. There weren't even any EMS type buzzwords in the article that I saw. Just seems odd. Almost as odd as the story itself. Look out, killer cow!!!!
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