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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. Yeah, I believe he said:"I'm not a big fan of glucagon for hypoglycemia. I'll take an amp of D50 anyday. If you can't get an IV, then I guess go for the glucagon. For EMTs I guess it depends on distance to hospital and resources. If you are in an area where you are only a few minutes from the hospital then package and go. If you have a longer ride, get ALS involved. The patient may need for than a shot of glucagon. " Which, for a system near you most likely [i mean, anyone progressive needs to be near a lot of hospitals, right?] [/sarcasm], to contact ALS, and go. Why are you gloating like you've won a battle?
  2. Oh...My...God. Rid, you are awesome.
  3. Ah,1:06 AM, and Ron wins for the night. G'night, folks. See you at the top tomorrow. :-D
  4. Whit, you are bringing up one case presentation. Do you have a larger study? We all understand Racemic Epinephrine can be a dangerous drug. Some considerations: Do many patients receive 3 doses prehospitally? I hope not. Should everyone have Racemic Epinephrine? Absolutely not. Does Racemic Epinephrine have a place and appropriate use? Absolutely. If one case study is enough for you to believe racemic epinephrine is a dangerous/ bad/ shouldn't be used drug, then why do others need to produce volumes of information regarding other medications that you can ignore and keep arguing?
  5. Ok, but I'll sleep up top, ok?
  6. Nah, the top! I have my own bed, thank you!
  7. I'll keep it warm for you, honestly, I will!
  8. I ain't gone yet! Just ahead of you, actually :-P
  9. Eh, posting in another thread, sorry folks! Top's mine again!
  10. Well, if it was in your protocol for any period of time, and you've been active for a while, then you at least should have known. Racemic Epi has it's place. I'd say a good number of medications administered could be linked to Myocardial infarction, no? Definitely Epinephrine, any concentration. Hell, dopamine can worsen a MI, but is also used to treat MI's. Weird. Are you implying that only medications you deem as 'dangerous' should be given by Paramedics? Or just remove them all together because you aren't comfortable with them?
  11. Ah, oops. My bad.
  12. I was always taught to distract women with shiney things. :-)
  13. Hey, just throwing out some distractions, that's all. not enough to be on top!
  14. Who needs sleep, we'll you're never gunna get it! While on TOP
  15. Can't sleep - Will fall off top. Can't sleep...Will fall off top... can't sleep....Will fall...off...top.
  16. So, my FT job. there are 2 shifts - day covers night and vice versa. There's an apartment the company has paid for so the 'back up crew' has a place to stsy. They are getting rid of that at the en dof this month. Expecting us to stay at the station...where there are 2 bedrooms - for 4 people. crock of Ca Ca if you ask me. I'm moving to on TOP!
  17. Same as you said, but for me.
  18. I get to work! Oh goody!
  19. Yzou be here 4 hours! All you can post ALL GONE! you go home now! More Top for me!
  20. Actually, youre both wrong. I'm here to releive you of your duties of guarding the tp, thank you, all. Dismissed.
  21. Ah. I'll just keep the top.
  22. Oh, no, I still have the top!
  23. I dunno, why?
  24. Pathetic enough, 'turtle power' got me as a Junior here at the City ;-)
  25. Turtle power!!!
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