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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. topped!
  2. so does that! you're all poets, and you'd never know it!
  3. hehehe, that rhymes.
  4. I kinda like the top. Can i keep it? Pretty pretty please? I'll behave!!
  5. OMG! 70!!! We rock, but Im on top!
  6. Topper! Topped! I win!
  7. "And I'm going to have to ask you to go ahead and come in Sunday, too....mmmk?" TOPPED!
  8. Sorry, Red. i'm going to have to take that from you.
  9. POTATO! Once you pop, you have to go to the top?
  10. Terri said POT!
  11. Awww. Scaring people with sex! Who do you think you are, American media!??!
  12. Sex? uhm. Top. ...?
  13. If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?
  14. TOP! I'm loving it!
  15. Almost a thousand posts here! Thanks for supporting me to the top!
  16. Why does everyone want to be queen? i'd settle for dictator ;-)
  17. I want to be on top, okay? Thank you, have a mediocre day.
  18. Red, I think you may be in the wrong forum, bud. ;-) j/k I like your sig., btw
  19. Ouch...what was that for? Stealing the top?
  20. Not for long!
  21. Not cheating, just creative! TOP!
  22. Okay, top's safe again, I'll take it!
  23. ::backs away:: It's all yours, man.
  24. hi Wendy, sorry, new rule. only Ron's allowed on top. I win!
  25. I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste!I don't copy and paste! and TOP!
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