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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. that sounds like a challenge!!!
  2. Not for long. I mean, I really do hate to steal from people, and all.
  3. Why count? The only one that matter now is this one, the one ON TOP!
  4. WAY!
  5. Yup! I do! Time for another post! I'm on top of the world!!!! [Well, an online small scale version, anyways.]
  6. ...What? I'll just take that post lead, btw
  7. But I like it more!
  8. Hrm. That don't look so good.
  9. Yeap, the Queen below me!
  10. At least he didn't blame it on us. :wink:
  11. ::does the "I'm the king of the mountain" dance::
  12. Terri - If you want to be on top all the time, all you have to do is change your setting from 'Newest on top" to "Oldest on top" :D/ :shaking2:
  13. Only as much of the illusion that you're on top!
  14. Well, cardiology wise - It's actually R on T. And seeing as I'm on top, that's how it shall be. R on T. Which has to be true, as it's my name and last initial. And also my avatar, as it's anothr nick name for me. R on T :-D
  15. Sorry, Terri, R before T!
  16. It's okay, I'll keep on top for ya, RN!
  17. Sorry, you lose!
  18. Nope, every now and again I throw in some 'FoxTrot', though.
  19. See? Pearls Before Swine Over the hedge Dilbert and: Ozzy and Millie, My Favorite!!!
  20. Ah, I was only reading comics, honest. And no, but while I'm up here, could you rub mine?
  21. I'm back, yes. What pot?
  22. yup, they were.
  23. Im going to read some comics. I'll be back when you least expect it. :-)
  24. I have a bellybutton!!!
  25. I feel left out now. It's lonely on top ;-)
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