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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. Which reminds me, I should get a new job. Back on top!
  2. itku2er: I work in a bad place with nothing to do all night. We can play this game alllll night long 8) 8)
  3. Then stop thinking... :wink: I like your sig, btw
  4. I think you're right! Except that last part :wink:
  5. ::whistles Vonage ad theme::
  6. You mean you were!
  7. Medic north got it before you!!! Tag! Im it!
  8. Eewww...That means I was on top of...myself? I'm confused. The person on top of me came up with this great idea!
  9. Can you do that?
  10. You one upped your own post!!!
  11. Dang, quick turn around time!
  13. Wow! Free post pharming! I'm on top!
  14. That looks like a good: "Oops."
  15. Hrrmm... It's getting close. If I could, I'd move mine to tonight. 1900 EST or so. Only 6 away right now.
  16. Oh my Gawd, that's too much. :roll: But don't let Chuck hear that from me... :wink:
  17. That doesn't seem too terrible. Is your 'on call' time too? [i see 18 hours, but is it the same rate?]
  18. At least that sounds legal. How busy is your system, Acosell?
  19. Wow. Makes me kinda glad I missed it. I'm going to rearrange my schedule, just to ensure I'll never even happen upon it accidentally. Thanks for the heads up. :wink:
  20. I know AMR, in the NorthEast anyways, will hire at about 18. They have a tendancy to 'lose' paperwork, so be persistant and keep calling them. "Bay Area" - which state? I know in at least two instances, people looking to be hired just 'showed up' at orientation with the appropriate paperwork, and no one asked any questions. I DO NOT advise this. Don't do it. Ever. Really. But keep on them.
  21. Actually... From a previous employer...at an amusement park... Matching trauma shears, stethoscope, pen, hair elastic, and shoe laces. Yes, shoe laces folks! All in the lovely wonderful horrific color of 'Hot Pink' From the same person who would not tuck in her uniform. When confronted from her supervisor regarding "Tuck in your shirt, you look unprofessional." She replied: "That's okay, I'm not professional." And out the door she went. And from another employer: Bringing your own maps. Bringing your own clip board to work. Where, after the Auditor sends 3 nasty grams regarding missing paperwork to you [if we both were on the call, we're both responsible kind of thing] - you find that day's paperwork. A month later.
  22. Oohhhh. That's bad. I like it. :twisted:
  23. Kinda an issue we're having. Technically, Medics [only work night shifts...] are not required to be at the station while on back up. They have the same 15 minute policy, and we cover several other municipalities for Paramedic Intercepts. No where in any contract is it mentioned that you 'may not get a medic for 15 minutes, plus driving time.' I'm not sure about the other Medic, but I just stay at the station. Yes, I get the privilege to volunteer time. On the plus side, there's nothing to do within 15 minutes of the station, anyways. So, at least I'm not missing much?
  24. In my current fulltime service: We work two shifts- day shift runs 0800-1800, and the night shift works 1800-0800. If you work the day shift, you are 'on call' for the night shift, and vice versa. Leads to some issues, as the day crews work 4 days a week, and have more [56 hours total] of 'back up duty' - where we need to be within a 15 minute radius of the station. Night shifts work 3 nights, for 42 hours a week, with only 30 hours of back up duty. It's not optimal by any means, but it gets coverage completed. On call, or rather 'Back up' is mandatory...And not reimbursed. If you get called in, it's 2 hours minimum pay. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Company claims there's 'No other way' to provide staffing requirements. We're kinda researching this 'back up' for 'on call'. Although our company states its withing the law, we're not all completely sold on it yet.
  25. Nate - Play off of "Orbital Mechanics" I had a supervisor who loved that saying. 'The sooner we realized the world revolves around him, the faster everyone will get along well.'
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