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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. I'd think by college, it'd be a bit too late? I mean, spending so much money not knowing at least where you'd almost like to go? I think high school would be a better place to start that off. It's too bad most students aren't ready to be grown up in high school.
  2. On the brighter side, most careers that you go to for a two year degree [Provided you do go with a 2 year degree, because you should.] don't pay as excrusiatingly well as EMS does, so you'll be able to pay them off in a few years longer than anyone you graduate with, including the A.S. RN's and LPN's. After 2 years of school, I only ended up with about $14,000 in bills. But, I do live in New England, and boy is it cheap up here!
  3. Yeah, but just don't tell m'girlfriend. I really do love her..>And I'd hate to lose her now. She's dragging me to Boston! The person below me only eats oatmeal and triscuits.
  4. Be safe, Dust. We'll definitely miss you around here. Hurry back.
  5. Dust, you're so silly. It's been proven to not be as effective, hasn't it? Good point. I give it 3 years.
  6. Arachne, +5! Dust, +5 as well. ::bows down to well said responses:: Jake, it was mentioned "BLS has been beaten, skipping it" [shortened] - but you're right...it's 120 hours of skills...not too much else. ](*,)
  7. I know many discussions have taken place here regarding professionalism and EMS. And yet, we keep finding things that are only damaging anything we may do to improve the current views. Apparantly, this is a website and video for Pennsylvania EMS recruitment. I know I don't agree with it, what do you guys think? http://www.rollwithit.com/flash/default.html
  8. You know, I am! [As displayed by the fact I'm posting at 2:09 AM. Well, technically that would make it Sunday morning. Oh well.] The person below me has better things to do at 3 in the morning than I do.
  9. Jo, two people....recently leave for shifts.... Y'know firing isn't the same as leaving, right? ;-)
  10. You weren't supposed to tell THAT!!! Anyways, the person below me poisons pigeons in the park.
  11. Hey! Just because I work with a bunch doesn't mean that I am, too! Does it? The person below me is wearing a dress made of dryer lint.
  12. Hey! Just because I work with a bunch doesn't mean that I am, too! Does it? The person below me is wearing a dress made of dryer lint.
  13. honestly, I have no clue. But for those who want to look it up, try: Here. Seems useful. Admittedly, I do need to review some more A P notes. heh.
  14. All this from someone who has an avatar of a kitten at gunpoint. :cheers: [Note: these emoticons are so much cooler when I'm this sleep deprived.]
  15. Good point about talking to 'normal' people. My dad always jokes about how he thinks my schedule is pathetic, and how much he'd love to do what I do. He just forgets he's a lot closer to six figures than I ever will be. I drive. A lot. That's kind of why I don't mind living 88 miles from work, too. I commute once a week, 2 hours each way. It's a nice way to be completely and utterly distracted from everything else in the world, except the cars infront of you, the gradual hilly curves of Western NH, how soon to shift, and my feet cuddling the pedals. The 6 disk CD changer helps alot, too! I like how diesel fuel in a car is theraputic. I also like the 47mpg I've been averaging :-D
  16. That's because you were in third! Only two horse's butts in front of you! Sorry, I'm trying to be optimistic.
  17. Lithium, I had implied the "I'm afraid to ask questions..." as a Paramedic trying to find what my brand new EMT partner knows and doesn't know. Apparantly they thought some exploratory questioning was offensive. I mean, they have their certificate, what else do they need to know? Yes, I do realize that not all new EMS providers are the same. Apparantly I've been exposed to worse providers than the average. Except for Cosgrojo. I'd keep him.
  18. Camaraderie? In a few places I do/ have worked, people are barely there long enough to learn their names before they're out the door to another service. Call me sick, but I appreciated the 'bashing' of being new. Not only did I get people to acknowledge my existence, but I could either learn, or show what I do know, and don't know. Now, I'm obviously not a crispy, well seasoned Paramedic, but I'm afraid to ask questions of a lot of the people I work with. Not only am I afraid of the answers I may get, but people turn around so quick and just begin the typical "He's a ^&%%$%&", etc. etc. It's tough working with brand new basics who know everything...
  19. The first part - I thought Dust and PRPG explained that fairly well. Perhaps it should be reread. And back to the topic... Where was your research article posted? Do you do lots of research? Are you credible? Accidental needle sticks suck, yes. Guess what - Accidents do happen, although more steps should be taken to prevent them. There's no need for bashing, because I doubt any Paramedic, or EMS provider at any level who has had an accidental stick needs to be bashed anymore than not knowing what heebee-geebies that they've been exposed to. I don't feel there's any need to further fuel the fire, like you have this great tendency to do. Logically speaking, on a statistical basis [i don't wish needle sticks on anyone] Paramedics should be getting more needle sticks than Basics. Why? In most regions, basics do not use needles, duh. Paramedics are more exposed to the calls that require such ALS, which is why they're more exposed. I thought that was rather apparent. Feel free to correct me if I'm missing something. And, yeah. Tell me you've never made a mistake before. And thanks, I do intend to stay safe :-D no sticks for me!
  20. Yeah, but one hospital I used to frequent changed the order almost every month. It was literally ridiculous. One hospital in the city accepts them, and there's a long protocol...But every time you bring them in, you need to explain to the RN that yes, the CMC does accept prehospital lab draws. At my real job, its a bit more rural, and the community hospital expects labs on anyone that is or could be sick. Sometimes [more often, actually] they are somewhat angry if there aren't labs, because then they have to do it. Oh no!
  21. ::shrug:: I dunno. She promised me to let me play puppy anesthesiologist when she has her own office. :reindeer: :violent2:
  22. From my veterinarian friend: Yes, narcan is used on horses. You only really need to be a vet. tech to push the drug, a DVM orders it.
  24. PRPG: you may have something there! We obviously need to keep two scrolling numbers on each of our ambulances. One for total number transports. And a second for total that were actually necessary. That's what we need to do!
  25. "So the 911 ambulances are BLS and ALS engines respond to all 911 calls) " Wow, that's Dumb. Ours is "Coast to Coast Transfer" ...[For a price] Unofficially, after some incidents with, say, a fire chief and a few members who might ave had a little too much etOH prior to responding: "Friends don't let friends assess patients drunk." I guess it'd make more sense if we were actually friends with them.
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