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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. MedicRN = respected
  2. Terri - amused
  3. Sidenote: BlackSheep - Your Avatar fits rather well here. I'm too big a fan of irony for my own good. Sorry for the interruption. Now back to your regularly unscheduled thread.
  4. A vast improvement over the old "Hamster wheel direct drive" power plant in the old ambulance. Had huge problems getting over hills, and for some reason we could never get past the PetCo downtown.
  5. Thanks Paramedicmike! I now have new heros! :-D
  6. 6 of 10. G'd'dmned Lake Webster question. I knew I should've stayed awake during my ancient indian translation class in highschool.
  7. Good thread. At the job I'm trying to leave- we've been having issues with the local police department and us transporting 'psych' patients. Food for thought: This police department has 8 full time members and a small army of part time officers, for 1.1 or so square miles and a population of about 3,000. In Vermont. It's not all that exciting. Somehow, about 3-5 a week, these 'Psychotic' patients end up at the police department. They are not in protective custody, and they are not under arrest. However, they were taken from their home to the police department so our ambulance can pick them up and bring them to the local ER for an evaluation because "That's what you're supposed to do." Is there something not so kosher about this? you betcha. The Police Chief encourages this activity - and refuses to let any officers out of town. One night, dealing with an EtOH patient at the PD [Not under arrest, not PC'ed, in their station against his will] The officer refused to transport because "I'll have to stay with him at the hospital for like, 4 hours! I can't do that!" So he, his Sergeant and another officer sat for 45 minutes trying to convince this slightly inebriated individual that he actually wanted to go to the ER. Just last week, at town voting, the Chief thought that a woman was acting weird. He sent a minion [part time officer] to the residence - Where he claims she didn't know her own name, was talking about flowers on walls that weren't there, did not know her address, her family, any medical conditions, and any phone numbers of anyone to contact. She was at her own home. After 2 hours - the officer placed the woman in his car and drove her to the police station to call EMS. The crew on found an elderly woman acting appropriately, adamant about not going to the hospital. She knew her name [she went by her middle name - so it didn't match her driver's license]. the flowers on the wall comments were that the school where she voted has the same wallpaper as her old house. She knew her address, her phone number, her daughter's name and home and cell phone number. They signed her off - and the police chief went off the deep end. They had suggested PD just transport the patient to the ER themselves - to which he replied "We don't transport psych's." He shut up right after they mentioned "then how did she get here?" And this has nothing to do with the "18 y/o who fell down the stairs at home" with facial fractures - Who was brought to the police department after his "fall" at "home". When your own police department can not play by the rules of the law, I'm not sure I want them to help me much. [side note - This very department is the same one who brought a suicidal male who had a knife to his throat downstairs without frisking him, no cuffs - and wanted us to talk to him. HA! He put up a fight - First time I've ever seen anyone tazed while in cuffs while in a police cruiser.] This police department is a lot like "D'Angelo's" "Just Plain Great."
  8. Heh, haven't gotten that one before ;-) Terri - Motherly.
  9. spastic
  10. Wow... We don't quit. I need a life.
  11. protective
  12. Hey, lookie! So am I!
  13. Top! Top top top! top top top! Top top toooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooop! <sung to Eye of the Tiger>
  14. Oh yeah, that's so haught. Just kidding. honestly now.
  15. Nah, you can keep it! :-P Top
  16. Okay, my turn again!
  17. Yeah, if you have a secret stash of penicillin. Dust, be safe out there. Or if you can't be safe, then no dieing. It's a rule around here, y'know.
  18. Thank you! I thought of that this morning after I woke up. Brain wasn't quite fuly operational last night. So, in a situation where both fluid and lasix are not inappropriate treatments together, there's no consideration in the study. As in, it's only black and white. Just food for thought.
  19. Just out of curiosity...And the fact that my brain is not working adequately tonight- Are there any potential reasons why both lasix and hydration would be warranted? I can't speak to defend Paramedics I don't know, calls I wasn't on, but the way that they automatically assume that any patient who received a fluid bolus was immediately 'Not in CHF' - assuming that Lasix was inappropriate. Just thinking out loud. Edit: one thing I can think of, although extreme and rare- perhaps a patient with hypoalbuminemia - Who could potentially present sick, with CHF/pulmonary edema signs [lack of oncotic pressure], and require fluid later for a general volume deficiency from the hypoalbuminemia itself. Again, I'm just thinking out loud here. Who knows, maybe a decent discussion will follow :-D
  20. I know! Can you believe it!
  21. Must...get...top...
  22. Heaven forbid anyone be an EMT and a Nurse!!!
  23. Top! Mine! All mine!
  24. Why's everybody always jumping on me? And perhaps I should start trying to hack into Admin's account. :twisted:
  25. Sorry, I'll try again later :-P
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