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Everything posted by TechMedic05

  1. It's true! The walls at the station are paper thin, and it's humid. I'm sure you get the image... The person belows me answers to the name "Coleslaw".
  2. until NOW!
  3. Back in the saddle again!
  4. Ditto that!
  5. TOP TOP TOP!!!
  6. No you haven't! I've been fighting for the top since page 30ish?
  7. If I drool..... ...can you knit me a bib? :-D
  8. Or a six year old squirrel. that's like, an old squirrel
  9. Hehehe, okay! Gonads and Strife! Good reason to not feed 7 gallons of high test espresso to a six year old.
  10. But I'll have to post the link! Gonads and Strife! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  11. GONADS AND STRIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll let you have the top for a few minutes for the reference :-D
  12. Terri... ... ..I've always been a trouble child.
  13. Oh, alrighty. I'll just have to be on top!
  14. So are you, trench! I'm baa-aaack!
  15. Do we need to repeat last night??? TOP!
  16. Hey, thanks for holding my spot while I was busy! Back on top!
  17. Terri, Ig got the top, its ok
  18. I'm on top again!
  19. Wow! So am I!
  20. Mine! MINE! i'll sneak up on you when you least expect it. :-D
  21. can this go on forever?
  22. I'm still King. I'm still here. honest! You can't take what I've rightfully stolen!!!
  23. That's why I asked. 8)
  24. Okay... "I think I here somone crying, any way your just pissed I can give tylenol and you cant. ......LOL " Alrighty then. I am so glad that you can read my mind, find my deepest desires and determine what makes me upset. What tipped you off to the fact I can not give Tylenol? In all honesty, I can give Tylenol. I didn't know telepathic abilities were in your protocols. Is this also how you assess your patients? Telepathetic is a bit more accurate. would you like the chemical break down for that, or the effects of Tylenol on the cardiovascular system of a one armed carnival midget who was submerged in water for and hour and can not take a dump. No thanks. If I wanted your response, I'd google it myself. It'll be your same answer, verbatim, no? Lighten up Bro... life is two short. I agree! I'll drink to that! I only have one life, however. And that one's too short to argue about details [like appropriate to, too, and two usage]. and i need sleep I don't have one of those cushy 2-3 calls in a 24 hour shift jobs. Sleep is a good start. I'm sorry it's not your perfect job. We all know that you deserve one. Honestly, I've transported patients with severe acute schizophrenic episodes who make more sense than you do. you to kissing and making up, so sweet. That's because they can communicate. Kudos to them! Whit, where do you work anyways?
  25. One more picture, For Rid: Tech :-)
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