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  1. Hello everyone. Would you mind taking a very short (only one question) survey regarding preferences for EMS system design? You can find the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N6SKMD6 This obviously completely anonymous and not for publication - internal use only. Thanks for your participation!
  2. I have seen this. Very well done film.
  3. I'm going with Kuru. Either that or his lack of mobility has produced an embolic CVA.
  4. All I can really do is echo what others have said and warn you that I am not aware of any state that has any sort of process for recognizing foreign EMS credentials. I don't know what level you are now under the Canadian scheme (PCP, ACP, CCP) but you would have to start completely over here. From EMT-B level. Frankly I would never trade the Canadian EMS system for the American one, but if that's what you want go for it.
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