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  1. Hey Dwayne, Just wanted to say hey....I have a 12 yr old boy that's autistic. Its a lonely world parenting an autistic child.
  2. Thanks for all the encouragement,It really helped. I was so stressed after that call that i slept nearly all weekend. I have visited with some of my co workers about it and they all say the same as i have seen here. I am feeling better about the whole thing now (a tiny bit..lol) And i definitely wont make the same mistake again...which by the way was I forgot how to put the c-collar together...i just drew a complete blank and after that i couldn't remember my name..lol :oops:
  3. Ive been an emt-basic for appr 6 months in a very rural area so we dont get a lot of calls in general. Today was my first real trauma and my brain completely left my head. Thank God there were plenty of other emts and medics around to cover my butt. Im so upset with myself...Im now right back to where i started with NO confidence and i feel like a complete fool around my medics. They were great and they were very understanding but im still beating myself up. When i got home today after the call i was just so exhausted and really stressed out. I know thats all probably normal for rookies but im really freaked out about it and worried that im not going to be able to do this.
  4. "On Call For Life"
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