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About meganpowell99

  • Birthday 11/22/1994

Previous Fields

  • Occupation
    High School Student

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Macclenny, Florida
  • Interests
    Air Force JROTC, Softball, Cross Country, Track, working with children, and Volunteer work

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo
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  1. sending off those USAF papers today!! :) going for emergency medical services or aerospace physiology! can't wait!!

  2. sending off those USAF papers today!! :) going for emergency medical services or aerospace physiology! can't wait!!

  3. hope everyone's having a wonderful day :)

  4. hope everyone's having a wonderful day :)

  5. Just talked to some more army recruiters... they had a booth set up, so I did push-ups for a t-shirt :)

  6. Thanks for the help and direction!! Is it possible to begin EMT training while currently in high school if I turn 18 in the middle of the school year ?
  7. Hello I myself also hope to learn alot and am from North Florida up close to Georgia. I don't actually have any EMT training but, what I learn here on this website may just help me to make a decision of what I want to do as I am still a junior in high school. I do have one question though. At what point would I be elligible to begin EMT training ? Prerequisites ?
  8. Sitting here at school getting that work done :) talked to a recruiter today for Army... not quite sure if I'm interested or not though.. leaning more towards navy or USAF? looking to be a medic :)

  9. I know that because I'm a female I can't actually do pararescue in the military, but are there any possibilities for something of the sort in a civilian environment?
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