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Everything posted by Squirrel007

  1. Good to know... thanks!!!
  2. I have recently registered for an EMT-b training course through Emergency Care Programs and CAN'T WAIT! Has anyone taken or heard of Emergency Care Programs? I did some research before choosing a program since I am paying for it myself and currently am a full-time pre-PA student and it seemed to be the best fit in regard to schedule, cost, and availabilities. (link: http://www.emergencycareny.com/) My training starts at the end of May, after I graduate from Hunter College with a BA in Sociology, and ends in mid-August. My plan is to work as an EMT for a couple of years while taking the additional I need to apply to a PA program. Based on your experience as an EMT / EMS / Paramedic / emergency care provider do you think finding a job in NYC or the surrounding area will be extremely difficult? My focus has always been about emergency care, so I wanted to get as much experience as possible before immersing myself in PA school. Thank you a future EMT-b & PA.
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