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Everything posted by miscusi

  1. you need to find the retina scanner... Im not coming back until you do...
  2. you can stop preaching as I sing, they even have fake milk. I hate that toxic shit from china. However the fake one sells for $3.25 + shipping on ebay. and the cheapest SAM is 11.00 shipped. figure its half price so being how you really don't want to wash them and roll them back up again, I can see how an agency would take the cost effective route. Im going to order a SAM SAM and see how that smells out of the package.
  3. MB, I know you view the world from your eyes, but I am not the same as you. I'm sure YOU wont have anything not in service, and that's fine. but I'm pretty sure that if you ask your head of Logistics or Operations Chief " Do you have anything no longer in service?" and he will say yes, take you somewhere in the back where you don't have access, scan his retina, and a door will open showing you all sorts of stuff they never threw away.
  4. So anyway, The package was shrink wrapped which was fine, but when it was opened, there was this chemical smell. Its pretty strong. no smell if the package wasn't opened. I find that the SAM sam blue and orange foam was slightly thicker, felt to be a better quality. my SAM sam sample has no bad smell, but it was an open-air sample I got off the table at the EMS expo in Vegas. so its possible that it aired out over time. I hung the non sam up near the vent, I'll see what happens. It was pretty strong when bent in a curve.
  5. "we were conversing happily enroute to the hospital." Was it something you said ?
  6. I'll include this then. geeze Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Central Office 875 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206-1388 (518) 402-0996 (518) 402-0985 Fax
  7. well, broken handle is no way usable. no decent agency would use broken equipment. I wasn't insulted, but I thought it was strange to think an item like that would be in service. If I was not sure about something I would ask: Is that stair chair still in service ? and get an answer before asking : why haven't you taken it out of service ?
  8. hold on there on the theft of design thingy... I looked up Eveready, they are a supply place in Brooklyn. AKA Dixie EMS, www.dixieems.com I think these americans working there had to have been the ones who copied the design and ordered these non-sam sams. So either SAM isn't patented or their patent expired or this non sam sam is significantly different... CE Approved ISO 13485-2003 PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA The colors orange and blue for orthopedic splints are registered trademarks of SAM Medical Products; US Trademark Registration No. 3,720,814. They don't mention a patent for their 36" splint https://www.google.vu/patents/US3943923?dq=Patent+3943923&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LapPUpyYDtLJ4APG_YCYDg&ved=0CEgQ6AEwAg I found this, but its from the 70's.. expired ?
  9. Its not about feeling better, but about the betterment of EMS overall, one bit at a time. So I got my fake sam splints in today, made by Everready Frist Aid. UPC 610585816059 It lists on the package 8 attributes. #7 states: "The splint is radiolucent which enables limb to be x-rayed without removal of splint." I think that's a bold claim if it wasn't true...
  10. radiopaque = bad, can't see bones radiolucent = good, can see bones
  11. Why do you assume it is in service ?
  12. If Sam splints are just AL and foam, and the generic is AL and foam, I wonder what it could be that makes sam radiolucent and not the generic.. hmmm
  13. Hi, just that dickies makes ok pants..
  14. I like to be nice, i allow two family members to ride. One up front, one in captn chair. Once in a long while i might put one more on the bench using the strap as a seat belt.... But rarely. No papers needed.
  15. I hear that sometimes, but i still use the handles. I have one stairchair with a broken handle, rivet area cracked and the plastic grip slides off. Ferno washington model 40 iirc.. Sure grabbing the frame is most reliable, but it boils down to checking your equipment before use.
  16. Ok... The shoulder roll is just a way to put the pt into the neutral inline position if he isnt in it by the time we are going to secure the head. It is done in coordination with the headmans head move. It shouldnt be any worse than putting head in neutral inline at the beginning.
  17. thanks for the input. I think one of these days I will get one of each and do some testing... and the X ray issue, Im gonna read up on that too
  18. Hi, I hope everyone is having a safe tour... I found that SAM splints can be costly, meanwhile there are some off brand padded AL splints that are of the same type at 1/2 to 1/3 the price. anyone have experience with the generic stuff VS OEM ?
  19. I used to wear jumpsuits for EMS. I find it hard to take off. slipping it over the shoulders was like a task for Houdini, it was high in the crouch and the weight of the entire outfit is on my shoulders and felt uncomfortable.
  20. I think you need to direct your question to the state itself. It may be different for each situation. Do keep the info posted, I would like to know what happens.
  21. Seriously ? you are asking for trouble. what kind of reply is this ? what are you trying to accomplish ? if you really have something to ask me that is off topic like this, just send a PM or something, why are you publicly trying to get a reaction from someone you don't know over the internet ?
  22. Also in case you are wondering about what I think about captiantohell's employee theft scenario... NO, it is not ok to take something from your employer without permission, and especially if you asked and they said no, it is extremely in poor taste to take it then. it is a very shameful scenario.
  23. YOU ! Why? Obviously you do not know me, and I do not know you, and if you have any sense of intelligence you would know that you are not psychic and should not go guessing what someone you don't know would or would not do. Then you would bother publicly making guesses about my being OK with stealing from my employers after they refused to give something away for free. Do you not know how insulting that is ? You MUST know, you aren't stupid I hope, therefore the only reason you would type such things must be that you are purposely pushing buttons, trying to get a reaction or some kind. I refuse to participate in your troll-ish efforts. I expected better from a moderator. I am very disappointed by your behavior.
  24. I didn't start the nonsense, I simply asked about filling the D, and someone brings up the cheating (wasn't me).... Actually it was the immediate reply ! capt to hell with it all, and a moderator too.. well, whatev's, if you think im trolling, just reread the thread carefully, and you will see who is really trying to push buttons.
  25. I know craigslist have lots of used ambulances for sale. hmm... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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