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Everything posted by PCB

  1. Eating Deanna Troi is a bad thing?? PC
  2. Now, that's funny right there, I don't care who you are!! PC
  3. PCB


    You can't really appreciate hockey until you have seen it live. Right down on the boards with a face smashed on the other side of the glass. Teams should hand out some free tickets to grade school kids. Have them drag their parents to a game. That might do the trick. PC
  4. As far as I see it, the recommendations were to "Allow employees to confidentially opt into the information collection program. Requiring employees to opt into the program reinforces that participation is voluntary." Red, you are an American, and as such, if a law were passed requiring the reporting of things you saw on a call, you would report those things, or you would be in violation of the law. Wether a law is "right" or not is not your call. If you choose to ignore this law, where will you stop determining the "correctness" of our laws and which ones you will obey? As a child of the 60's, I understand civil disobedience, but as an adult in the 2000's, I understand we need to express our opinions to the lawmakers of this country. We ultimately can use our voices and our votes to shape the future of our country. As always, the opinions expressed above are my own and are freely offered, and are worth as much as they cost. PC
  5. You have to use a photo hosting site like photobucket. Google "photo hosting" and set up an account at one of the avaliable sites. You will upload your photos to the site, and use a link they will provide to paste into your post. Presto, you have a picture in your post. PC P.S. Welcome to the CITY.
  6. I think Asys was answering the wrong thread... PC
  7. The Colts are really needing an ambulance tonight, against the Chargers... PC
  8. One word...... Plywood PC
  9. MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT SATURDAY As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked, and that he must commit suicide if he does. So next Saturday at 4 PM. Eastern Time all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists. Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort. All men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their house to prove they are not Muslims, and to demonstrate they think it's okay to see nude women other than their wife and to show support for all American women. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your anti-Muslim sentiment. The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity. God bless America. It is your patriotic duty to pass this on. WAL-MART HAS LAWN CHAIRS ON SALE, PASS IT ON!
  10. -Looks like you're not having a good day... -Would you like Morphine with that? -I turned off a perfectly good porn movie for this? For images, hit ask.com images and search for emt. PC
  11. [quote="Dustdevil if we moved into your community and started giving HVAC service away for free because of our concern for our community (after all, we don't want them to die of heat stroke or frostbite, do we
  12. Dude, you'd better come off him, you're going to leave a welt. Wipe your chin too, I think you have something hanging on there..... :shock: PC
  13. And never, I repeat NEVER, get a wife, girlfriend or significant others name tattooed on your body ANYWHERE!! I speak from experience...... PC
  14. Wouldn't you rather have one that licks instead of bites?? :twisted: PC
  15. PCB

    New Game

  16. While good for a giggle, they are all false. Check www.snopes.com PC
  17. That is GREAT!! I have to try this sometime. Do you mind if I steal your idea? PC
  18. 15.... Not bad for not having coded in 8 yrs... PC
  19. 1/2 dialup
  20. I married a woman, who later turned out to be a real "Witch"!!! But that is a different story..... PC
  21. Actually, this is why I asked the question (beyond my normal inquisitive nature). We had a man lose conscienceness the other day. He suffered what seemed to be the same thing last summer; loss of concusness, seizure, vomiting, responsive only to pain. The ED attributed the episode last year to heat, but this year they are still undecided. I did a survey of the work area 2 hours prior to his last episode and the heat index was below 90 F. He was hydrated and had eaten 2 hrs prior. Dust, you mentioned "follow-up tests" for those with a history. What testing would be useful? Thanks for the response. PC
  22. I'm sure everyone has heard of this before, that you are more likely to have a second heat stress episode after you have suffered from it once before. Everyone says this, but is it really true? If so, then why? Thanks in advance. PC
  23. No one in their right mind would bash Terr. She knows where we live...... :shock:
  24. Terri, My eyes may change, but some things will never change!! :twisted: PC
  25. Why is it none of the nurses I have the pleasure of meeting (as a patient) look or act like the ones in porn DVD's??? :shock: I need to find a different Dr.'s office.....
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