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Everything posted by Greenough95

  1. Q: pantie check type and color A: Thong and blue :): http://t.co/ZRS4DPff

  2. So from here on out I'll make sure to keep all inside jokes to myself so I dont offen...: http://t.co/QpwOTTFz

  3. If you have a choice between me and her, choose her because if you really liked me th...: http://t.co/368dPLyH

  4. Hi my name is Tori, I'm 17 and I'm graduating this year. I chose to do an online class which was parenting in the 21st century. My assignment was to get one or more people to answer the questions stated above. The class is about teaching people what happens from the time a woman gets pregnant all the way up till they become children or teens. At the moment we are going over safety so I was suppose to find someone who could answer the questions for the assignment and learn what people in the ER have to go through or what a paramedic has to go through. If anymore information is needed please ask and I will more then likely be happy to answer any questions. Thank You for your time. Also this is not just about children and having to do with parenting it is basically in general what you do everyday when you are at work and what you see the only question that really has to do with kids is somewhat the second to last and the last question.
  5. What do you commonly see? How many of the accidents and situations do you think could have been prevented if people just used common sense? What do you think are the most vulnerable ages for certain kinds of accidents? How would you suggest that parents safeguard their children?
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