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  1. pyroknight- It is true that well trained auto mechanics make more than emt-b's not paramedics. I am currently making 11/hr plus on a commission program where I make around 13/hr average. EMT-B jobs with alot of the private providers in my area pay anywhere from 8.00-10.75/hr. However the company in my hometown which is a municipal ALS only service starts paramedics at 48k per year.Granted I know that is on the higher end of the spectrum.ASE certification does not take any investment any moron can pay 20-60 dollars and take an ASE exam. What cost me a fortune was the associates degree in Automotive Technology. That cost me $30,000. My tools are valued around $20,000. So in the longrun an EMT-B would actually make more money that they get to keep than a well trained technician.My point is simply that a low initial investment is a very attractive component of EMS. The investment is not that low compared to other areas of public service out here to go to Paramedic school it costs 6-10k depending on where you go to school. Th police academy is only 3k, and I think the fire academy is 5or 6k(not quite sure on that figure). Dustdevil- A smart person would not stay at the lowest rank in a field, but more mature, older professionals could enter a career in EMS if the initial investment is low and then move up from there, that was my point in my earlier post.
  2. I have been reading through this thread for a couple of days.Though I am only an EMT in training I feel I do have something to add to this post.I obviously made a decision to get into EMS recently, I was very happy that there was an opportunity to work after a short inexpensive time in training. I was able to go to EMT-B school for slightly under $1k. I will have completed my EMT-B training by this May. I feel this is a good thing for many potential EMS Providers because it allows the option of night school a couple of days a week for a short period of time until one is able to work in an ENTRY level position within the EMS system. This allows one to get a taste of life in EMS without investing years and years of their life and tens of thousands of dollars(as I did in my current career as an auto mechanic) I am extremely dedicated to being not only good, but the BEST EMS provider possible.This is my stance with everything I do, but especially EMS where I directly impact another human beings health and well-being. Personally it would be very hard for alot of people to attend a daytime school full-time five days a week. Most people need to work while in school and some have family responsibilities(I have a son coming in 2 weeks.) I did an intense amount of research into the field of EMS and at an EMT-B level I will be taking a pay-cut from what I already make now in a job where I don't feel I am paid enough. However I don't plan to be an EMT-B for very long I would like to start Paramedic training ASAP, and God willing I will be able to work for a provider that provides tuition reimbursement for Medic school. In my opinion if entering EMS was extremely expensive and took years of schooling just to get a job in the field, the number of interested parties would fall dramatically. Unless someone decided to become an EMT very early in life( the time when many people aren't sure they want to do) would they have the time and support system(live at home, scholarships etc.) to complete the program. Most new providers would be very young.Also many people would not invest the time in money for fear they would not find a job, wouldn't be worth the money, may not like the field etc. The current educational setup at many EMT and Paramedic schools in my state allow people to go to school and train for a small INITIAL investment and also at night, so they can work to pay bills and tuition. The only thing that would probably land EMS a large amount of mature hard working dedicated applicants would be to raise the pay scale.Unfortunately with as many folks failing to pay their bills as their is now, I doubt higher prices would help. Sadly, most people follow money it is their God and they will not work and invest alot of time in something that wont line their pockets, but then there are the self sacrificing individuals such as yourselves that not only work hard for little pay, but have a desire to do a better job, and improve the industry. Just my Two Cents
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