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    Caryn said it is retroactively OK.

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  1. asy

    Emotion Toys

    [web:e2858d7e83]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2470017/A-robot-with-feelings-is-star-of-science-museum-show.html[/web:e2858d7e83] Heart Robot
  2. asy

    Olympics Start

  3. That's a shame. Interpretation can be so fragile; so does cognition, action, recognition or reaction drawn from what may be lost in translation. You have to hear, i.e., how the anchor lady (or is she a reporter?) pronounces the word "digestion"... especially if you want to express your own emotion: . Now divide politics from personal life, state from religion, omniscient god from humans using the Internet, "art" from paranoia, moderation from power - and check what equals a non-condescending, honest closure.
  4. Could be that your SmartFilter wall has cracks in it and that you are enjoying conceptual art. Try directly asking the artist, I mean creator, maybe? Still, a conveniently public note to Technical Supporters can point you back to the safe and familiar war on terror. * Fast's original work from 2002 is called "CNN Concatenated" and not as the Youtube video says.
  5. They don't use that word anymore. Nowadays try "self-deceiving". If enough people say it is true, then it is true. [spoil:072e96477b] :-$ it's paramedicmike[/spoil:072e96477b]
  6. What does the shirt say?
  7. [-X You can't tell a pirate what/where she can't SELL/SALE/SAIL .
  8. Thanks everyone for the fascinating replies. I missed Michael's anatomy question. Is it still here on the website? Also, I like 4cmk6's second signature. Welcome to the time zone, Moderator 8). Am flattered that you follow my weblog. Almost like being recognized.. Humbly awaiting your response, asy P.S. : Basewarming greetings - enjoy the food.
  9. Thanks for the update, spenac and ERDoc. Good to hear flight crew members are safe, as well as everyone else.
  10. A fellow Pink Floyd fan! [hr:869765e536] Must have been quite the socialist . So we're all equal now?
  11. Thanks Dwayne.. ! Well, one could always go for a different approach: :twisted:
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