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Everything posted by asy

  1. asy

    Emotion Toys

    [web:e2858d7e83]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2470017/A-robot-with-feelings-is-star-of-science-museum-show.html[/web:e2858d7e83] Heart Robot
  2. asy

    Olympics Start

  3. That's a shame. Interpretation can be so fragile; so does cognition, action, recognition or reaction drawn from what may be lost in translation. You have to hear, i.e., how the anchor lady (or is she a reporter?) pronounces the word "digestion"... especially if you want to express your own emotion: . Now divide politics from personal life, state from religion, omniscient god from humans using the Internet, "art" from paranoia, moderation from power - and check what equals a non-condescending, honest closure.
  4. Could be that your SmartFilter wall has cracks in it and that you are enjoying conceptual art. Try directly asking the artist, I mean creator, maybe? Still, a conveniently public note to Technical Supporters can point you back to the safe and familiar war on terror. * Fast's original work from 2002 is called "CNN Concatenated" and not as the Youtube video says.
  5. They don't use that word anymore. Nowadays try "self-deceiving". If enough people say it is true, then it is true. [spoil:072e96477b] :-$ it's paramedicmike[/spoil:072e96477b]
  6. What does the shirt say?
  7. [-X You can't tell a pirate what/where she can't SELL/SALE/SAIL .
  8. Thanks everyone for the fascinating replies. I missed Michael's anatomy question. Is it still here on the website? Also, I like 4cmk6's second signature. Welcome to the time zone, Moderator 8). Am flattered that you follow my weblog. Almost like being recognized.. Humbly awaiting your response, asy P.S. : Basewarming greetings - enjoy the food.
  9. Thanks for the update, spenac and ERDoc. Good to hear flight crew members are safe, as well as everyone else.
  10. A fellow Pink Floyd fan! [hr:869765e536] Must have been quite the socialist . So we're all equal now?
  11. Thanks Dwayne.. ! Well, one could always go for a different approach: :twisted:
  12. Good poem. Enigmatic disappearances seem to be a hot subject lately.
  13. (Friedrich Nietzsche) (SpongeBob SquarePants)
  14. That is a dangerous question . Thanks Ruffems for being brave enough to point out the obvious. I did originally post this poll on the “Funny Stuff” forum. But my joke wasn't funny, and so it was transferred into the Non-EMS Discussion one. Now, seriously: should we create an Ethics forum? I, actually, never took one. I am interested to see what’s in it. I have found links to Medical School curricula online, but not the actual lessons. Can someone please post the contents of an average US Medic School Ethics course – maybe on the File Library/Knowledge Base? That would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  15. They say there is a time and place for everything... Thanks for the post, links, and new angle to look at things.
  16. Can they find my door on their own or do I have to email in the exact coordinates..? And is Special Agent Fox William Mulder still on the Bureau? Tell him he better show up without the annoying redhead.
  17. hmmm but look what your neighbor has.
  18. Leon? Is that you?? Been looking for you since the 1990s...
  19. Why do we need to? Thank you. And thanks to your friend. Emmm… is it not? I call for a spin-off thread. (Oh, why the heck not: emt emt emt emt emt emt emt.)
  20. With new DNR threads popping up like mushrooms lately, With members debating whether or not to become bullet proof or which weapon to carry, With a general fixation on legalizing stuff (prostitution, guns at schools, immigration) threads And with a rather astonishing new quest started to reach Google’s First Page by type-chanting the EMT mantra, I am compelled to have my share in the Ethics Posting department and start a new spin-off poll. I call it: “Does the End Justify the Means?”. Knock yourselves out.
  21. Thanks for the information, doczilla and spenac; it’s clear you took a lot of effort doing the research. This thread brings up childhood memories: a political TV add from the 1992 Israeli government elections. Notice that we didn't have much of a fashion sense then (either). Translation: “kalil” means “light weighted”, “easy to handle”. The rest: “I am a free person living in a free society. I wake up in the morning happy. I am a free and active person. Lightness is extremely important to maintain my wonderful freedom. I am dressed up light: free hands, free legs, free spirit in my free body. I am a free and active -but prepared- person. Before I go out to the street I put on a small vest, nothing too heavy, not to bother my freedom of movement and activeness. Of course –don’t forget the head, it has to be protected as well so that it can be free, so that my thoughts can keep running free in my free mind. I am a free, active, prepared but also assertive person. To defend my freedom I must be aggressive, because whoever waits to be attacked may lose their total freedom. That’s why I never leave the house without a weapon. I am a free, active, prepared, assertive person who isn’t an idiot. And I know very well that just a club doesn’t cover all possible scenarios. And so – to protect my dear freedom, and not to compromise my easy life, I must always follow new developments, be equipped and ready. Shhhh…. “ Poor skiing indeed.
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