Thank you very much for the quick replies to my questions.
However, I should clarify my earlier statement "busy station and like yours, cash poor” I did not mean to imply I am being asked to buy my own gear. The station ambulances / rigs are very well supplied, they are just very frugal with dollars. Several EMTs said I might want to buy my own Stethoscope, CPR mask, and shears, bandage cutters, etc.
When I was at my first EMT class, I was amazed at the gear some of the other students brought with them. I thought to myself; “how do they run up stairs with all that stuff?”
One of the senior guys at the station recommended this site and said a great place to start to learn. So I’m running with his suggestion.
So I’ll ask an additional 2 question’s to my earlier one:
What do you guys want to see from a new guy and what should I avoid?