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  1. Maybe I'm being a bit bias, but when reading all the comments I come to the conclusion that experience plays a big role in responding to emergency calls (well in the EMS field, with valid reason.......). I also agree that in a sense its unfair to load a 19 - 22 year old fresh from training with the responsibility to be in control of a response vehicle. But then I would also think that even when a 30 year fresh from training are to respond for the first time without training or know how the same issues would surface. Which bring me to all the issues when a accident is caused by a paramedic, for example public safety, delayed treatment of the patient, equipment lost not to mention all the legal, ethical issues and in some services loss of skill.
  2. No problem EMT City Junior. Thank you for all the valuable inputs.
  3. Would it then be safe to say that many "Paramedic" response motor vehicle accidents happen due to inexperience, skill retention in the case of paramedics not working operational for a period of time. Should formal driver training not be included in the curriculum of paramedic courses ??
  4. with all due respect, i think you missing the question?
  5. I noted that you state that you have been driving since 16 years old and also that you completed drivers courses..... Would you say that this contribute to you being more skilled than other newly qualified paramedics .... I think the question is more about those guys without previous experience and without completing a drivers course, should they receive training before being aloud to respond or be in control of a vehicle ?. The guys that complete their paramedic training and then given the responsibility to drive without the experience and skill. ( also take skill retention in consideration, so its not only newly qualified people) Would you say that a drivers course is beneficial ?
  6. · Causal and Consequential factors of Paramedic motor-vehicle accidents, recommendations to reduce these accidents.
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