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Everything posted by 411Medic

  1. God made some people to be Soldiers, he made some to be ditch diggers... and he made me to be a medic. I knew when I was a kid this is what I wanted to do. Even when I piss moan and complain I love it. If EMS isn't your calling, have you considered that you might be wasting you time here on earth? Beside this is an "EMS Community" being a member here in and of its self makes you an EMS nerd. Embrace it
  2. Hi there, much like everyone else I have nothing original to say. I've been a medic for the last... OMG, I think it has been 5 years now. In ems for the last 9yr. I love this field and when I can't do any more I would love to teach. This "job" has been in my heart since child hood... good bad and ugly I love it. I want to connect with people who feel the same
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