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Everything posted by XXL_Medic

  1. What the American people want from Obama school transcripts, thesis paper, tax returns, REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, and resignation letter!

  2. #greta Umm....Madeline Albright isn't the brightest bulb in the box, nor the sharpest tool in the shed. The best thing she can do is SHUT UP
  3. The libs are now saying that @MittRomney and @PaulRyanVP will be worse than @BarackObama for this country. How could they be worse?

  4. That was indeed a cheap shot by @CMPunk to @JerryLawler tonight on #Raw and while I respect Punk, I don't respect his actions tonight!

  5. #WWEDothan Ladies and Gentleman the Funkasarus @BrodusClay is up next!
  6. Tony Scott, successful Hollywood director, millionaire, husband, and father dies after jumping from bridge! Something isn't adding up!

  7. Anyone who votes for @BarackObama for re-election is either a misguided idiot or against free market capitalism.@BlueLantern02 RT this plz

  8. I have no problem w/ immigrants wanting a better life for themselves and their families, but DO IT legally and pay your share of TAXES!

  9. I just imagined my lib tard neighbors head exploding when @MittRomney is elected the next POTUS. It wasn't pretty! @BlueLantern02

  10. "So run you cur, tell'em I'm coming, and hell's coming with me you hear!" "HELL'S COMING WITH ME!!" That is MY statement to the liberals!

  11. Seems liberals can dish it out but when you return fire they scatter like a covey of quails. Run, you little bitches, run! We're coming!

  12. The only ones against voter ID are those that can't win honestly and must resort to cheating and underhanded tactics like our current POTUS!

  13. So the liberal left is at it again. Doing their best to smear Romney/Ryan.

  14. Once the hospital was presented w/ the refusal what could they say. I've been doing this job for now on 13 years. My protocol states "all patients being of sound mind and being over the age of 19 after being informed have the right to refuse treatment and transport." It doesn't matter, we can debate this to the end of time, its not changing anything. As a paramedic I will not transport any patient using false pretenses. The patient was competent enough to live by himself, he was informed that due to his advanced age that his condition could worsen and that being evaluated by a physician would be in his best interest. Even after putting it like that he still refused. Contacting medical control wouldn't have changed anything, because I asked our medical director if he would have given me transport orders and his reply was, "No, if he's alert and understands what is going on, he has the right to refuse care." As for the accumulation of blood, that took place over several days, it wasn't immediate, it was more like 72 hours after the fact.
  15. Just heard a liberal say "over my dead body" when asked if he would vote for Romney. The conservative response was "that can be arranged"

  16. So the Obama campaign has begun their attack on Ryan. These idiots will stoop to the lowest levels possible.

  17. Why can't the liberal media just stop making excuses for @BarackObama and his administration's failed policies. #Romney2012

  18. "@BlueLantern02: Don't expect @BarackObama to fire @StefCutter, although she, among others, needed to be fired long ago. #desperate" --TRUE!

  19. Eric Holder and Obama Administration sue to bar active military members from voting. Why, what's he worried about? #Nobama2012

  20. Rev. C.L. Bryant on Converting to Conservatism: ‘As a Black American You’d Be Nuts Not to Be a Republican http://t.co/obGnSXv2 via @theblaze

  21. My documentation supports everything I have said. The nurse got her "ass chewed" and is simply trying to pass the Buck. Secondly if the nurse knew of his condition she didn't relay it to me. When I asked for his MHx she replied HTN, Heart Disease. Speaking w/ my MCP he is backing me. If the nurse was that concerned she should have spoke up!
  22. Because of @BarackObama and his failed policies and stimulus its time for a TRUE change in the WH! #romney2012

  23. Thanks guys! I had a meeting w/ management and that is what I told them. Hopefully the issue is settled.
  24. WWW.parameducators.com
  25. Hey guys this happened to me the other day and I wanted to get some opinions regarding it. Responded to a medical call / fall at a private residence. Arrived on scene, and was met by a private duty nurse. She advised my partner and I that the patient had fallen earlier and had a cut under his eye. Made contact w/ the patient, the patient was A&Ox4. Noted a small skin tear under his left eye, bleeding stopped. Pt denied loss of consciousness, had no other complaints. Pt assessed and vitals noted as normotensive. Pt asked by both myself and my partner if he wanted to be transported to the ER. Pt stated unless I need stitches, I don't wanna go. As my partner was filling out the run sheet, I was explaining to both the pt and nurse about the refusal. I explained as I always do, we recommend you always get checked out, after any injury or illness. Whether you go by car or ambulance is the pt choice. I also advised the patient that due to him falling if he suffered any headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, to seek immediate medical treatment. The pt indicated that he understood and signed the refusal of treatment / transport. The nurse signed witnessing the pt refusing. Two days later I get a phone call from management because this pt is now at the hospital. Turns out the patient had thrombocytopenia and due to the fall, blood collected into the surrounding tissue. The ER wanted to know why wasn't transported the day it happened. When.they were told that he signed a refusal of treatment / transport which was witnessed by the nurse. They said that the patient and nurse said that my unit refused to transport the pt, which is an outright lie. When we presented the refusal form to the ER, they continued w/ "you still should have transported him!" As per our protocol if a patient is alert and oriented x 4 and understands the risks of refusing medical treatment / transport, that pt is allowed to sign said refusal and we are released from all liability. Would anyone have handled this situation any different if you were faced with it?
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