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  1. You're stuck at a bad number. 400 runs is just barely enough to justify a fulltime service but not quite enough to cover all your costs. I'd check into getting rid of a few fulltime positions and hire in some part timers and even think about a combination volunteer/paid service before I went to billing myself. Someone else mentioned some interesting issues about improving the accuracy of paper work. I have worked at some services that have improved their revenue just by improving efficiency of paper work. I say paper work becuase its not just all ABN's and run forms its an issue with your billing service's paper work as well. The money is made in the paper work and desk work. Check the efficiency of your billing service. I know of a service that improved collections from 50% to 75% just by switching billing services.
  2. I am an instructor for a predominately rural EMS service. Agriculture is one of our top industries. I am wanting to do some practicle training, something hands on for experienced EMT's. I know alot of this stuff is just review and recap for the older EMT's, so I need some ideas on how to present some practicle scenarios out on the training ground to keep these older guys interested and maybe enahnce their abilities at the same time. Anyone have any ideas? I am wanting to set up some mock incidents. Thanks
  3. I have the corporate attorney on board, still looking for a good medical attorney. I have 2 ER physicians on board as Medical diraction as well.
  4. Anyone here the owner of a private EMS service? I am the owner of a private als assist service (first response agency) I have recently been approached by an entity about providing the whole nine yards transport and everything. Anyone have any advice. Besides don't do it? Even if you're not an owner, any EMT's have advice? Thanks for your input. :!: :?: :shock:
  5. My hometown service is paid per call and only on call status we have no fulltime personnel. Our EMT-B's can do all the basis skills of course, plus, albuterol nebulizer tx, asa admin in chest pain, assist pt. with their own NTG, epi pens, and soon to be intubation. However, being a low call volume service we have mandaory skill maintenance practice to keep our EMT's up to par. So far so good, we have been practicing these things for 3 years now with absolutely no negative repercussions. We have 2 EMT's, myself, a paramedic and one other basic that work professionaly for fulltime services, which helps with passing on helpful tips and advice for performing these skills or procedures. Our medical director is very invovled as well.
  7. Would you agree with me that most paramedics could care less about running into a burning building? And would you agree that most firefighters could care less about decompressing the chest of a trauma victim? So why are certain fire departments so dertermined to run or take over local ambulance services? What are your ideas??
  8. 35 minutes to nearest level 2 trauma center. 20 to 25 minutes to get a chopper on the ground. hour and 45 minutes to level 1 trauma center. One Advanced level EMT in the whole county. All services in the county are volly.
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