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scott33 last won the day on October 30 2014

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  1. That's the one I was referring to, yes.
  2. I have noticed the same. I don't have the answers other than to say that a forum is only as good as its contributors. One of the 'rival' EMS sites don't see to be suffering quite as much, so I don't think it's a case of everybody having crossed over to Facebook.
  3. You appear to be assuming that because some Canadians are traveling abroad for medical tourism purposes, that can only mean to the US? Medical tourism is a global and thriving industry. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-obama-care/012214-687213-canadians-seek-medical-treatment-outside-the-country.htm Any guessing which of those 8 countries will be charging substantially more than the rest for, arguably, similar outcomes? ETA - According to the CDC, 750,000 US residents travel abroad for healthcare. http://www.cdc.gov/features/medicaltourism/
  4. Obviously a Troll. Not a word of what he says is true. Incorrect. The NHS costs the UK tax payer billions per year, regardless of whether they use the system or not. There is no option to opt out of paying into it, even if you use separate private healthcare services. If you have a job, you pay for it. Unlike with the US, there are no point of care fees which can give the illusion that you are getting something for nothing when you need it most. You will still find yourself out of pocket for dental and optical care as well as prescriptions. I think it's a little short sighted of you to ignore the position that many UK ambulance staff have, in respect to their protected meal breaks. It would be completely unheard of in the US for someone to be 1 block away from a cardiac arrest or chocking child, and not get pulled from their break. Not so in the UK. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/local-news/west-midlands-ambulance-service-paramedics-405112 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/3060387/Paramedic-on-lunch-break-refused-to-help-dying-woman.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2542782/Unacceptable-delays-led-death-man-despite-four-calls-999-wife-Paramedics-delayed-enforced-breaks-coroner-finds.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1156762/Paramedic-refused-help-man-broken-lunch-break-let-off.html The NHS use a wide range of prehospital clinical providers, who in turn can provide a wide range of clinical pathways for the patient - at their discretion. Transport, treat and release, treat and refer etc etc. The UK do not have the 'you call we haul' mentality of the US. Why? because US EMS primarily only generate income when they transport.
  5. Assuming you are not a US citizen, do you have a visa which will allow you to work in the US?
  6. Hot-headed NYPD cops unable to de-escalate violent situation. Say it isn't so!
  7. The backlog of current visa applications applicable to nursing goes back to 2006 - meaning those who had an application in with a processing date of 2006, are still waiting. The nurse specific H1-C visa was stopped around 2009 so that really leaves the H1-B visa (non-immigrant specialty occupation) as a possible option. Problem being, the H1-B typically requires the applicant to have a degree specific to the occupation. Right now, there is no national mandate in the US to have a BSN in order to practice, so the USCIS (the ones who allocate visas) don't really see 'nursing' as fitting the H1-B criteria. Perhaps with certain speciality advanced practice RN positions, a remote location, and a good lawyer it would be a slim possibility, but it's not for the majority of general staff nurses looking to move. Additionally, there is a cap on the amount of H1-Bs given out per year (< 70,000) and about a third of these are allocated to IT professionals from the Indian sub continent, the day they become available. Contacting the likes of the NREMT will only waste your time and money unless you already have an 'in' to the US. They cannot provide you with one. It's not all doom and gloom though. Sweden is one of the countries eligible for the diversity visa lottery program, so you may wish to look at this. http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1322.html Also have a look at Canada. You could always visit the US. Good luck.
  8. The protocol is currently being revised to allow IOs in patients in decompensated shock with the addition of 2% lidocaine bolus, prior to infusion, if required.
  9. You are going to need an employer-specific visa as a requisite for moving - not unlike the 457 visa for Australia. Ordinarily I would say stick to the Canadian immigration website, but in this case I would also suggest getting your CV out there too. You may wish to seriously consider getting your qualifications officially transferred to Canadian standards - be that paramedic or 'other'. This should realistically involve a couple of trips over there, so your 2 year projection seems reasonable. Whereas none of this will automatically lead to a visa, it will make you more marketable if you are able to show potential employers that you are qualified to start work the day you land. It will then be up to your potential employer to apply for your visa, and the Canadian government to issue it, providing you tick all the required boxes. Canada certainly isn't impossible for what you want to do (the US is), and I personally know 2 SAS techs who moved out there in the early and late 90s. What I don't know, is whether they already had an 'in' though other means, or how much has changed since then. There are many threads which may be of help in the Canadian section of the british expat forum. Good luck.
  10. I think you got those mixed up in order of priority. As mentioned, even if she got reciprocity and her NREMT-P, it would not lead to an H1B. There is the additional burden of the sponsor (employer) of said H1B, having to prove to the US government that there are no US citizens able to do the job. It's a lot more complicated than people seem to think - particularly those who have never gone through the process themselves.
  11. As mentioned, a lot depends where you want to go. The US won't entertain immigration based on being a paramedic, but some parts of Australia will. Canada might be a possibility. Assuming you are a UK citizen, you also have the whole EU as a possibility.
  12. Sorry mate, those guidelines are out of date. The UK ambulance service are using this now... http://aaceguidelines.co.uk/
  13. You guys going to ban this troll or what?
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