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Everything posted by scott33

  1. Taken from This report [Cheif] Jenkerson said the department policy is to drive cautiously. "We do not 'run' intersections," he said. "If there's a red light, we stop and look both ways and make sure you have a clear intersection to proceed through." Doesn't look like it to me. Why do people continue to run red lights? Even if some States permit it, should common sense not prevail? No excuse for it. :evil:
  2. Yeah the "stayin' Alive" tune has been taught for years. I just wonder how many providers have sang the "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha..." bit out loud in front of the patient's family. :shock:
  3. Go directly to jail! Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200
  4. I think the best course of action is to ignore it, and continue to pose the obvious questions to the oblivious audience. Keep the thread moving type thing.
  5. Then all is lost. ](*,)
  6. Have to say it though, this is funny
  7. Yeah, I had visions of an enlightenment for the LIers, but not to be. Don't worry, very few of them will use this forum. Why on Earth would they need a national / global EMS resource when they are obviously happy with what little they have?
  8. I hope the thread runs and runs, if for no other reason but to show the public what they are getting for their money. That sarcastic reply to the argument about Canadian EMS was just an embarrassment, and shows how blinkered and up their own arse some of the locals are. They can't even begin to form a counter argument.
  9. Oops my bad :oops: Thought some of the more sensible posts looked familiar.
  10. I can't sleep! Why did I just read this thread? I am embarrassed to share the same body of land as some of these wankers. Tell me it will all go away soon ](*,) http://www.theschwartzreport.com/vb/showthread.php?t=9547 (PS sorry if this is in the wrong forum)
  11. "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time, and it annoys the pig"
  12. There is also the video of the "Bjork Stalker" taking his life. You know the one - all dressed up and no place to go :roll:
  13. Agree with the above, it's not a hard exam.
  14. Well, nothing can beat reading up on EKGs from scratch and counting boxes etc, but here is a nice little interactive tool which covers the common 3-lead rhythms
  15. Herin lies the problem. We have a healthcare system that allows the individual to contribute just what they chose to, in order to practice. Be it 120 hours, a 4-year degree, or anything in between. It's wrong though to place the blame solely on the individual EMT, as that's just the way EMS is. You want to go out and save lives on an ambulance? No problem, sign here and we will train you! It has to be mentioned however, that some people like to go through life doing the bare minimum of anything, so it is only logical that EMS is the ideal stomping ground for a few of those who want all the glory, but without all that "book lurrnin" stuff Conversely, the point that not everyone has time to do a medic course, or can afford the tuition is a fair and valid one, and I would never suggest otherwise. What I would say, is that those same people should not be facilitated to join EMS in the first place, the same as they would not be permitted to practice nursing or medicine on an ad-hoc basis. In other words; education first, practice second. This is the model that every other healthcare profession takes, so why should EMS be so different? I agree with those who state that the whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. EMS stands alone as the only healthcare "profession" (loose use of the word) to have such fragmented, watered-down requirements to practice at this point in time.
  16. Gotta love it! He's naked from the waist down you know!
  17. It is absolutely true, although it happened more than 2 years ago. The paramedic involved Mr. Greedy (actual name) was recently up in front of the HPC. The Ambulance Technician does not hold professional registration, so is not subject to further investigation. Both were fired from their jobs from their employer some time ago however. A couple of links. Link Link
  18. I wouldn't be boarding and collaring that either. Was he complaining of head and neck pain immediately following his little bump into the ambulance? It was nothing - just enough to tip him off balance. Do you think it would be wise to put some pisshead on their back (for that) when they are an aspiration risk? Don't see anything wrong with this video.
  19. Good luck to you.
  20. I am sure many share the same opinion. But that may be the same "many" who don't want to be reminded that their little hobby is short-changing the public of an efficient, professional, EMS system. If you have ever taken time to read some of his posts, you will see that his opinion has nothing to do with being new to EMS. You, like others before you, are looking at words, not content. In spite of what you may perceive, he is one of the greatest advocates for the advancement of EMS as a profession, and is an asset to the forum. (disclaimer: I am not stalking / sleeping with / financially in debt to DD) If you can imagine for a minute that EMS is capable of providing care which involves a little more than a taxi ride to hospital, then I would think the patient should be concerned about levels of education. Would you be happy to go under the surgeons knife, if he only had an associates degree? C-ya, thanks for your contribution.
  21. Whereas Nassau and Suffolk don't recognise EMT-I, they do recognise CC. Arguably an EMT-I with a couple of bells and whistles added on, but minus the NR recognition. The "AMT", used exclusively by Nassau PD EMS, will either be CC's or Paramedics. As far as I am aware, no distinction is made between the two, in spite of the latter having about 1,000 hours more education.
  22. I think some people are getting confused with RMA and "treat and release" (per the OP) The latter would be something along the lines of giving a neb to an asthmatic, and, assuming they feel better and ongoing assessment backs this up, are told by the Ambulance crew they do not need to go to the hospital, follow up with your PMD etc. . Or more so in the case of the ECP, given treatment at home for minor injuries (wound irrigation and suturing) prescription for pain meds / antibiotics etc and...told to follow up with your PMD. A good way to free up beds in an ED. So in answer to the original question. No Mike, it is highly unlikely to exist to a large degree in the US. Ambulances are to take people to hospitals. ](*,)
  23. OR.... That's what it boils down to.
  24. Just heard good things about them from many different sources. Very progressive system, in depth training way in excess of the minimum standard (3,000 hours), aggressive protocols, integration with the public (PAD), up there with the best of them at the forefront of EMS research etc. Shame they are part of an FD, but you can't have it all.
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