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Everything posted by scott33

  1. I agree with the above. The only thing you will need to be in the French EMS system, is an EU driving license. Then you can get to drive the Docs about in the ambulance. From an EMS career standpoint, France is probably the last country to move to if you are not an MD.
  2. Can't speak for Canada, but I would be surprised if any significant numbers in the UK had come to the US for healthcare. I am not saying it hasn't happened (just like there has probably been many non-insured US citizens go to Canada, the UK, or Continental Europe for their healthcare needs), I just think it is a crazy notion. Why? Because private healthcare has been freely available in the UK for many, many years. Apparently though, it still seems to be one of the UK's biggest secrets, and people from outside the UK still think the NHS is the only option. The home grown private options would be considerably cheaper than jumping on a plane getting treatment in the US. http://www.bupa.co.uk/ http://www.axappphealthcare.co.uk/personal/private-medical-insurance http://www.spirehealthcare.com/Templates/Pages/corporate_lower.aspx?id=46825 http://www.bmihealthcare.co.uk/ http://www.ramsayhealth.co.uk/premium_care/premium_care_patients.aspx http://www.hcainternational.com/about-hca.asp I too would also like to see some concrete figures, to back up what I believe to be a long-standing myth.
  3. How about: The overuse of supplemental oxygen in the prehospital setting, and its potentially harmful effects on the patient.
  4. Yeah, Interesting and progressive service and quite a change from SoCal. However.... "King County Medic One does NOT operate a Paramedic Training Program. The University of Washington is the sole training provider for all Paramedics in King County." Your choices are limited to one University. Their initial training is around the 3,000 hour mark Good luck. Not enough (any?) Medic One bods on these forums. http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/ems/MedicOne.aspx
  5. That old chestnut! This gets my back up and unfortunately, appears to be a very common philosophy. Is it any wonder we are often used as a taxi service? We can't really blame the public for abusing the 911 system, when the above-mentioned providers are encouraging it.
  6. Look at his profile, it says "Banned" in red letters. I don't doubt he was from India at all. However, I think his motives were less to do with learning about global EMS practices, and more to do with enlisting assistance with emigrating from India. His requests for "letters of recommendation" are in contrast to the usual posts we see from those who have a genuine interest in practicing EMS abroad.
  7. Err, he's been banned guys
  8. Fuckin' OUCH!!!!!! I was going to point you towards UK immigration requirements, but having just been insulted (or is it libeled?) I will leave you your own discoveries. BTW, do the UK still own India?
  9. I believe it was a PTS vehicle, not an emergency ambulance like in the picture, therefore very possibly single manned. http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/details/Default.aspx?Id=907 Either way, FAIL on the part of the driver. Should have done a post trip check (like the school bus drivers do here) for any old codgers who had slumped out of site.
  10. ...And herein lies one of the main problems with the volly system. Provider doesn't get their own way, so throws teddy from the pram, and refuses to answer calls. Way to lead your department "chief" Another thing, looking at their area of coverage, I think the "200 calls a year" will probably be for the whole department, not exclusively her.
  11. Assuming your question was serious, I can't fault your enthusiasm, but I agree that you need to learn to walk before you can run.
  12. The really sad thing about this fiasco is that they will end up getting their reality TV show. Custodial time will not happen, but they will receive a fine (which will be paid for by their "OK magazine" spread), and possibly a ban on building / operating similar flying objects in the future. Unfortunately, they are now a marketable commodity, and trash TV producers such as Mark Burnett and co will be scrambling to sign them up. The latest toy for this holiday season? The RC Heene balloon with detachable Falcon Media whores...
  13. Try Here... www.ambulance999.co.uk
  14. Although in your "interests" you state: "Im just a good ol boy who likes to eat too much" Judging by the picture (assuming that is you) I know what to believe. Sorry, but I don't think you will get much sympathy here, particulary since you seem to be pointing the finger at everyone else but you. People are morbidly obese because they eat too much. End of story! Lapbanding and gastric bypass ops do not speed up metabolism. So why do they seem to work? BTW, if you are on a long haul flight, would you mind keeping your elbows in. Either that or pay for 2 seats.
  15. I have been through Stirling many times on the way to the "Lang Toon". Nice part of the world
  16. Welcome, Where are you in central Scotland?
  17. So at what point did Falcon (who is noticeably missing from the video, and whom I thought was the one originally blamed for releasing the balloon in the first place) run and hide in the barn and / or attic? Just gets more bizarre with every video clip we see. Hopefully it will lead to a conviction. I know the parents probably don't read this forum, but I do hope they are taking note of the damning comments on You Tube. Manipulative scum.
  18. Hmmm. Listening to the attached interview, and others I have seen, I believe there is something more to the story. Listen to the bit when the kid says "I did it for the show". There is a pause, and then the Mother says "No" in a whimpering tone in which she is clearly trying to guide his answers. Followed by a long sigh by the father. His subsequent interviews denying any foul-play are, at his own admission, short of minute-to-minute details, and surely I can't be the only one to think he is a piss-poor actor. The rap video on You Tube, the appearance on the reality TV show, the photo of the Mother with the not-so-cheap professional ENG camera, the father's story about the balloon being an experiment for future travel in which he only had a small window to get the balloon airborne... Glad it ended without loss of life and all that, but perhaps, just perhaps, this was nothing more than a little home-made adventure for the family's video library, which ended up being taken too far. Given the costs and logistics involved with the rescue operation, not to mention the potential risk for loss of life, if they were indeed going to have someone attempt an air-air rescue, I think questions should continue to be asked of the family. EPIC PARENTING FAIL!
  19. Ok he has now been found safe and well... Time for his arse whipping
  20. They are now talking about the "missing basket" which was on it when it took off, but missing when it landed. I too thought initially he would be found hiding in his bedroom, but the latest reports are not too promising.
  21. That is my understanding too, but often there is a 2nd cop who will follow on to the hospital with the cruiser. We normally have 1 AMT (civvy) and 2 LEOs bring the patient in to my ED. For some strange reason, they always seem to have co-operative patients...may be to do with the driver's overt 9mm Glock.
  22. Nassau County, NY are mostly covered by a police-based EMS system. One of the better systems in the county IMO.
  23. yeah, "Subbed-Woofer" would be a good tabloid headline for this
  24. Then you already must have a job. As with most other developed countries, the temporary working visa is only issued on the grounds that the applicant already has a job to go to. It is also very restrictive, usually to just one particular job. Taken from the Canadian Immigration website: "You can apply for your work permit as soon as you receive written evidence of your job offer or contract of employment or as soon as you receive an HRSDC confirmation. In cases where a HRSDC confirmation is not required, you may apply when you have written evidence of your job offer from your employer." http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/5487E.PDF
  25. If it is something you are serious about, I would consider going for paramedic in the US. Then, apply to PHECC to see if you can gain registration though their equivalency program [more here]. As you can see, each application will be based upon personal merit, and you will have to show proof of similar training and education from your own system. The more you have to offer, the more chance you will have of your application being approved. Looks like a long slog, but the fact that you already have an EU passport, puts you 99.9999% ahead of those dreamers who think they don't need to worry about visas and work permits to work abroad. Most of the really hard work is already done for you. Good luck!
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