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Everything posted by scott33

  1. scott33

    NYC meet

    My home from home http://standrewsnyc.com/photos.html
  2. scott33


    No excuses whatsoever. Fire them both! The paramedic involved will also end up being struck off the HCP register, so will never be able to practice again.
  3. I agree with all you say, and it is a case of isolation until ruled out. But, given our different professions, I am in no doubt that you are seeing the more serious cases, whereas I am seeing more of the media-frenzy-induced BS cases of general malaise with associated sniffles, which would ordinarily be treated at home with chicken soup and tylenol. Some of them are not even getting swabbed. I know we have had a couple of type A admits (versus the many, many more sent home) but as we all know, there are usually other factors or comorbidities present.
  4. So much so that most are D/C'd home and told to ride it out. I had the one of the iso rooms on my last shift, and had 4 (out of many) who ruled in for type A. Tamiflu and taxi was the dispo and they were in and out of the ED in no time.
  5. scott33

    NYC meet

    Yeah, post your whereabouts and whenabouts here. Wouldn't mind a chin-wag and a beer or two.
  6. No, my subscription is for my old Palm PDA. The complete program doesn't work on my iPhone as the subscription is not specific to that device. The pill ID is free on all the mac devices - otherwise my better half wouldn't be able to use it on hers. http://www.epocrates.com/products/rx/iphone.html
  7. I bought my wife an iPod touch recently (I have the iPhone) and we both use ePocrates for work. She has since minimized her Palm Treo contract just so she can use it as a phone. Everything else (email, WWW, other multimedia etc) can be utilized on her 'touch" and is completely free. I actually have the yearly subscription for ePocrates, but it is "married" to my old Palm PDA, which I haven't used in over a year. I really should either cancel the subscription, or call them to switch the full program over to my iPhone. Disclaimer: I do not work for Apple (more is the pity)
  8. 100% free app on the iPhone
  9. They will probably take more offense to the fact that you think Croatia is in Australia. Wrong hemisphere. Google (Earth) is your friend
  10. The "pill ID" feature on ePocrates is a very clever additional feature.
  11. What are you afraid of? Personally, I found it a lot easier than my State test. Take your time (you can do that with the NR) read each question twice, and choose the best answer to suit the question. You will often have more than one correct answer, so don't make the mistake of not looking at your other options. Remember your ABCs, in that order, and forget about your county protocols. Worst case scenario - take it again. Good luck.
  12. Apart from the reference to the obvious, it also usually means to strike with considerable force (typically punched around the face or head). Weapons can also be used to twat someone, and a baton or a bottle over the head is a good example of this. The element of surprise is also key.
  13. Nope. Either one, depending on what you carry, hence the "/" (either, or) So, is this what you did?
  14. New onset AF. Management other than the usual ABCs is going to be rate control, while keeping an eye on the BP. Positioning, fluids, and slow IVP of your B-blocker / Ca++ channel blocker of choice is a start.
  15. There us more to the story - much more to it. One of them, Sabina Eriksson, has since been charged with the murder of 54-year-old Glen Hollinshead by stabbing him in the chest - after which the suicide fairy visited her again and told her to jump off a bridge. She was again unsuccessful, but managed to fracture both of her ankles. I believe the trial is still ongoing, as google doesn't bring up much more info, and this is about as detailed as I can find. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7cf_1230553719
  16. I demand you do! Very informative and relevant, and a change from the pi55ing contests we occasionally have. Keep up the good work.
  17. That was pretty bad. Looks like the family are not going to let it go, and perhaps he will end up wishing he was fired over this. Obviously someone not happy at his job, but no excuses... time to move on.
  18. I use the "turn signal" method. Assuming QRS >120 ms...Find the J-point in lead V1 (terminal point of the QRS complex), and working backwards, find the first deflection at the end of the QRS. Negative = LBBB, positive = RBBB. LBBBs will also usually have an upright Lead I, and V6 with a "slurred" R-wave. Surely if the QRS was < than 120ms, it wouldn't be a true BBB, so one would have to be positive to call it one?
  19. I just use my thumbs on I and AVF (or I, II, and III if you want to determine pathological left, from physiological left)
  20. Yes there is Left axis deviation, and also a LBBB. But I need a closer look at the PRI to see if there is also an AV block. So, yeah...possible tri-fascicular block here (edit: Possible old inferior wall MI too by the looks of it)
  21. Perhaps there are one or two here, who wish they could have had the opportunity to pose the same question to your parents. Stop trying to inject sensationalism into all your posts, just because of your knowledge deficit in EMS.
  22. Unfortunately we are creatures of habit, and often the treatment we take for granted is less than ideal for the patient. The US is one of the few places who continue to use the spinal board (traditionally an extrication device) as a transportation device. Anyone who has ever had a "fully immobilized patient" turned on their side when vomiting, will know just how little immobilization (particularly lateral) the spinal board provides. Prehospital gold standard remains the vac mattress.
  23. I can't get it to work either. Seems like it may be worth a look, if you can get it on a US-friendly format
  24. One has to wonder why however, the Story Book paramedic program is one of the few in the region which lacks CAAHEP accreditation. Although NY still has its head in the sand with the NR, the programs still facilitate NR registration. My NY state practical was all registry, so I ended up with 2 separate designations, from 2 separate credentialling bodies, having taken just 1 practical exam (after passing the written tests of course).
  25. It's all good. First picture google images will come up with
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