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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. More than a little twisted....... I'm even mad at myself for pushing the play button to figure out what the hype was all about. :banghead:
  2. Nope... #3 here.. I have to concentrate, and I'm doing some pre-arrival thinking .....
  3. I dunno... who paid?
  4. According to the survey, I am not to tell my age....!
  5. I always wear Long Sleeves, and some sort of T-Shirt underneath... believe it or not, it does (usually) wick heat away... however, nothing helps when you're out on a call ... on pavement.... with a head indicies of 110 F.
  6. We have preceptors complete evals on each student, and in turn each student evaluates their preceptor... I go with the old "If I don't know it's broken, I can't fix it attitude".. more often than not, the preceptors really don't spend any time with the form.. they circle all 5's or whatever, and then send it on to me... I have very few who give honest critiques...the student on the other hand are often too happy to give feedback on the preceptor.. there's some food for thought.. Those of you who are Preceptors remember, ALWAYS give honest feedback on student evals. Just my 2 cents.
  7. I would like to take a moment to congratulate the BTC EMT-B class of 2006. My students all passed the NREMT-B Written their first time through.... Good Job, and Congratulations to all my "kids" (You know who you are).... and some of you on the site understand what this means to me, as we had TONS of obstacles thrown in our way with this class. Thanks for your words of encouragement (PRPG, ITKU2ER, et al)... and for all of the great information here... it's nice to have a "family" like the one here at the City!
  8. Ok.. someone HAS to make us copies of these... I don't have access to all of them... or even 2/3 of them.. someone should put together the "ultimate EMTCity CD". Oh, and if we're allowed to use Country.. I could come up with several... although the rest of you may want to steal my truck, shoot my dog, and hide my beer!
  9. Very informative site...yet another nice job of research Ace... thanks for your input in the forums!
  10. Awesome stuff ACE... going to have to donate a Rep point or two myself for this one..... Thanks for posting it...
  11. I third it...I for one think that there is some value in the EMT-B carrying the ALS version.... but, of course I've been an EMT since Dust was just a baby.... :shock:
  12. In da' sunshine...
  13. one of my favorites, and I don't know why... "I'm a safety girl..." Also, another of my favorites "You're a Daisy if you do.... " ok.. now here's the game.. what movie(s)?
  14. Has Gangrene on
  15. Nice site Rid... thanks for the link.... Very usable information!
  16. Heard it on the Radio yesterday.... Luckily the DJ's (www.alice955.com -- Shameless Plug) were doing a GREAT job at letting the public know that this was not a funny situation and that 911 was for Emergency Situations only.
  17. I've started teaching them.. Locally I haven't heard of the new guidelines increasing the number of saves... also, I'm not sure that the first shock from an AED is 360 joules.... can someone lead me to information regarding this?
  18. Well, I can see this as a GREAT way to bring more men to the classes..... Oh well, whatever it takes I guess....
  19. Brady Books (and nearly all EMT-B books that I know of).... stipulate that you can remove an impaled object that is in the cheek, due to the reduced risk of injuring underlying organs, tissues, muscles, etc.... I believe that BTLS teaches that you should only remove the object in the cheek if it's impeding the airway though... Here's the deal with testing... a lot of times you won't find what you feel is the "right" answer... you'll find the best answer.. go with your gut... most of the time you'll be safe with that.
  20. PRPG, I think that online CE's have their placed... and that place IMHO is to act as a "filler" for what you cannot receive via "live" format. The NR only allows 10 hours of online education for renewals.... so, entities that are attempting to use this as their "main education" may end up with a rude awakening down the line. EMS is a skills driven field... with that said, I think it's important to have "live" training courses, with Critical Thinking Challenges and Skills performed as a part of scenarios.... Just my .02 though.
  21. 44 for me, and I'm not crazy about it... now to the topic at hand... Buffalo Girl, did ANY of this help you?
  22. Worried about being out of 1 of your 4,389,332 jobs?
  23. Too funny.. actually I had nothing more to add.. you said everything (and more) that I would have said!
  24. Street, I think you're talking about the Paramedic Level testing, and yeah.. I've heard the same thing... although I have also heard a few negatives. EMT-B level testing is pretty much the same throughout the state of Missouri, and as an evaluator I'll tell you... at state Practical Testing we're much more laid back and allowing of small errors than I am personally with my own class. As for NR Written testing, it's the same no matter where you go. Here's my final word of advice... Contact the Unit of EMS for the State of Missouri at 573-751-6356... ask for Greg.... he'll be able to help you find the solution to your problem.
  25. Ummmmm give me a PM seriously... if your instructors weren't allowed to teach EMT-B Class, then likely you won't be allowed to test as the course would not be an "approved" course. The Training Director for the State EMS Unit is on this site from time to time... maybe he'll contact you via PM to see if he can assist you.
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