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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. Bob was my Paramedic Instructor (before I got injured)... he is a HUGE vessel of knowledge and his teaching style (which he has labeled "edutainment") is renowned. I encourage you to visit his multilead medics site to review his technique.
  2. I didn't realize that Arkansas didn't stairstep.... my personal opinion (for what it is worth), is that you should start with the basic level and move up.... take it in pieces, however, that is not always the most financially feasible way to do it.
  3. Yep... I am familiar with the informed downloads (the free trial version is out)... but it requires a data card (to download onto), which I haven't purchased yet... (I usually don't max out the space on my PDA)...
  4. I agree.... I'd like to review your guidebook as well!
  5. Wow... is there no end to your talent and ability? Share some of it, would you???? Anyway, glad to hear about the service... Let me know if you need anything... and yeah, I'll be waiting for my job as well!
  6. Yep... I agree with all of the above posts... our job is to treat the patient... doesn't matter entrance / exit, what matters is how the patient is doing.
  7. LOL @ Nate... I have to agree with PRPG... Educators should be acting in a professional capacity and should refrain from any conduct that could be considered "questionable", thus my decision to "suspend" the Instructor from assisting, vs. taking action on the student. Since this situation, my students do sign a statement of understanding at the beginning of class based on the Policy Manual. One of the points covered is "Fratranizing (sp?) is not allowed". Oh, and just for the record it WAS affecting the class.... She only wanted to work skills with his "team", everyone knew but me, and on breaks things got ummm steamy on more than one occasion (without my knowledge at the time). Just makes good sense to me to douse the flames during the class.. there's a lifetime to stoke them back up when class is out.
  8. I had this happen in one of the programs that I taught... one of the students started dating one of the Adjunct Instructors. Luckily things did not get nasty before the end of the course, but once I found out about the situation the instructor was "suspended" from her duties. I have since "forbidden" all Instructor/student fraternization outside of the classroom. it's been difficult, there were too many possible problems before.
  9. I wanted to check the super secret 5th choice.. but was afraid what it might mean... ah well... EMT-B here, for longer than many of you have been alive!
  10. Welcome back Woody... I"m very certain that you've already done a websearch.. but I thought I should throw that idea out there "just in case".
  11. PBZ.... Believe it or not, it's not unusual for states who are new at administering the NR Exam to have VERY LOW pass rates the first time around. As an instructor I can tell you that 80% of what I teach in the classroom is how to pass the test... not specifics, but I teach my students what areas will be emphasized, and exactly what will be expected of them in the Practical testing station(s).... Sadly you have to learn to teach the test... As we've discussed here NUMEROUS times (just do a search for NR Testing).... it's not adequate or even fair to our students to teach just the test, but for those who have just come out of State Testing, it takes a while to learn how to teach students to pass the NR exam... it is a tricky little exam, and considering that most of our students have been out of the traditional classroom for quite sometime, it's difficult to learn how to take an exam that you have to second guess yourself on... I hope that made sense.. I'm tired... PM me if you need any clarification.
  12. Personally.. I was talking about the "paid service" setting... As far as Vollies go... I don't know where we would be without our First Responders... 9 times out of 10 they are on the scene before us with a patient assessment done and the patient "packaged".
  13. Rid, Your explanation is the one that has always been given to me, and that I in return give to my students. I also bring up that it may assist in protecting the airway in certain patients.
  14. I agree wholeheartedly with Rid.... and I suppose with Dr. Phil (in this instance)... #1. You wouldn't have asked the question here if you weren't concerned, so.. if it bothers you, it's probably not "innocent fun". #2. How did you find out? Did you stumble upon the information, or did he openly tell you about it... if he was trying to hide it, then his intent was "cheating". Just my honest opinion. Jo
  15. I like to have them ride in with us and assist if we're working a code or a nasty trauma, but as a paid member of the Service... I dunno.... I'd have to say no, mainly for the reasoning of their lack of training time.... 48 Hours = First Responder (which by the way is NEVER an adequate amount of time to introduce even the most basic skills - My classes run 62 hours, and that's STILL not enough time). 120 Hours = EMT-B (which I don't think is enough time either... my program runs 315, and I've NEVER had a class run under 250)... There is a lot that can be learned "in the field", and I don't know where we'd be without our Fire/Rescue First Responders.... but, I'm not sure that I'd agree with moving them to the Rig. That's what you get for asking my opinion Dust... LOL
  16. Doc brings up good points... My best advice to you is take all of the information you've been given here... talk to your wife about it, then make your decision. Best of Luck to you!
  17. Taking the class DOES eat up a lot of your time... if you work while you're taking the class, you should be prepared to keep up a schedule similiar to that when you're done (depending on where you live) to live comfortably. I know that during my class (of 24) we had 3 divorces, and many long time couples split up... it's not easy on the family life, however it can be one... because many of my class stayed married, or together with their loved ones. Others found love (sometimes with other married students)... I can understand your wifes concern about that part.. but things like that only happen if you allow them to happen. I say if you are feeling led to the program that you should go for it! Just make sure that you make as much time as possible for "homelife"... it's important to stay grounded while you're in the course.
  18. I believe and have always believed that I was led into EMS for whatever reason. I think that much like itku2er that the path that was laid before me has saved my life on more than one occassion, it also opened up a "career" for me when I didn't have a way to finance going on to school. I am not a regular church goer either... in fact when I do go to church I see many of the people there for reasons besides true worship.. sometimes I'm just like them... I go to make my mother happy, or because I know it's the "right thing to do"...other times, I go because I need the Christian fellowship.... I have always held a strong belief in God, even during times of trial (although, I'll be honest with you.. sometimes it's hard to keep that belief up when you're getting challenged at every turn). It's good to see other EMS'ers with the same feelings and thoughts.... however, I DO have to warn you PCTiff that this string is likely to get very ugly before long. Onward Christian Soldiers! Jo
  19. I can't be killed either... phooey.. there goes the insurance $$$$.
  20. Ruff... I'd have to check, but I think it's 2 years in MO.... within your Registry time frame, or some such.... 5 years would = Retraining, which is not really a bad thing.
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