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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. Welcome to the CIty... I will just continue the thoughts of the others that say "participate & enjoy". Sometimes you may have to wade through the BS to get to the good stuff, but trust me it's worth the pair of boots! Good to see new faces in here.
  2. I'm a big fan of Stem Cell Research. I agree with Herbie that it is definitely cutting edge. Only time will tell the diversity of diseases that Stem Cells can help with, but as a Medical Professional I'm excited to see the progress.
  3. Just logged back in yesterday to find out that a mentor of mine had passed. As many of you have related, we have all had our moments of being schooled by Dust...many of us are much better for that. I am devastated by this news, but will always hold great memories of our conversations. As someone else stated "friend"doesn't seem like enough....You were my EMS Brother...You will be missed. Love ya Buddy!
  4. First of all Crochity, your point #1 has burned me for YEARS as an Instructor... typically regurgitated to us "instructor types" by those who don't have the ability to teach. Mercy, but sounds like someone got turned down for an Instructional Position. Me thinks thou dost protest to much. "Do any of us really care what order the KED straps should be fastened, and who has actually used a KED enough to make it something that should be a pass/fail on a test ?" NO ONE cares how the KED straps are placed except those old school medics who one night came up with the Top, Bottom, Middle BS. How they are placed has absolutely no change in how well restricted our patients are, just as long as the legs go next and the head is last. Come on out of the cave and play with the modern medics "y'all". Not trying to bruise any egos here, but it's no wonder that we aren't viewed as professionals when we don't respect each other or stay up with current trends/modalities/procedures. Oh, and back to the question at hand, (sorry to hijack your thread Wendy)....What I do in my classroom is challenge my students to prove themselves right. I don't get offended as long as they can prove their point and treat me with respect. chbare had it right. Just my .02 AC
  5. The New Guidelines are: Direct Pressure and then Tourniquet. My 'guess' is that in 10 more years, we'll go back to: Direct Pressure, Elevation, Pressure Point and THEN Tourniquet. This has been an on again off again thing for many years. By the way... The latest feedback on the use of Tourniquets in the Civilian World is based on the success with them out in the Sandbox. AC
  6. The last poster has the best answer. You will have to obtain State Licensure/Certification, and the way to do that is by taking the NREMT Exam. It's healthy to have a little nervousness about taking that exam (or any exam for that matter), but you should be able to do well if your program used the National Standards. Just my .02 AC
  7. I miss being able to see the latest discussions vs. wading through each topic.

    1. EMT City Administrator

      EMT City Administrator

      Just scroll down, it is below the status updates. You can also click the "View New Content" link top right of the page.

    2. AnatomyChick
  8. Just back from the ICE Conference in Missouri... Not sure what to think

  9. Just back from the ICE Conference in Missouri... Not sure what to think

  10. Just back from the ICE Conference in Missouri... Not sure what to think

  11. Hey Ruff, Is there some trick to getting on responderrewards? All I got was a log in page... and no place to go to see what it took to join. Feedback please.. LOL
  12. Ok.. Pardon my stupidity... I'm lost. Why wouldn't you carry a longboard anymore? How do you prepare your Trauma Patient for transport? Is there a new device that I am unaware of? I'm sooo confused, which many here will tell you is not a new thing?
  13. If today was your last day - Nickelback
  14. Nope..no party wagon... we're doing some contract EMS Stuff for the local racetrack.. We got a GREAT deal on the ambulance (even with the minor stuff that needs done), and couldn't have bought anything else comparable for any less.
  15. Richard, Ebay has not had what I'm looking for. I could go with either Red or Blue lenses (my partner wants Blue). Still looking for 7x9 Lenses..I'm hoping that somebody may have some of these stored somewhere or Fleet might have some in backstock. I'm really looking for "used" pieces.. I can get some new ones straight from the manufacturer, but based on what we're using the "truck" for, I don't want to invest $30 per lens at this time. Thanks for looking! JoAnne
  16. Thanks.. hadn't looked around much...but this saves us some time.
  17. I am in the middle of doing some minor restoration work to a 1992 Ford E-350 (Horton Box) Ambulance. I'm in need of a couple of things, and thought I'd try my friends here on EMT City for help first... I'm looking for Blue 7"x9" Lenses for the Box (External). I'm also wondering if anyone out there in EMT City has an owners manual for the truck itself.. there are some switches I've never seen, and we're looking for the Fuse box. Now, keep in mind, that I haven't looked for the fusebox yet, so it may be easy to find, I'm just listing items that are on my "to do list" for the week. Any help that you all can give me will be greatly appreciated. Jo
  18. Oh, see...now you guys have gone and done it... I'm going to have to get up on my Soapbox about how children are raised. First of all, the video is disturbing to say the least. I am not a fan of Leashing children either, but I'd lay odds that there are those on this forum who have used the device on their children. I don't think using the leash on the child makes you a bad parent, but I DO agree that children should be taught to mind. When I was growing up, my parents never hesitated to remind me who was the boss... most of the time a stern warning would do the trick, but sometimes, it would be followed up by a physical reminder. Please keep in mind that my parents never BEAT me... I received throughout my childhood and adolescence a strong respect for discipline. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. When I was growing up, any adult who asked me to do something was the boss. I learned to respect my elders and I learned that just because I wanted "instant gratification", that didn't mean that it was always best for me. Flash Forward to today's society. Everyone is afraid to discipline their children, or they simply don't want to take the time to do it... I'm not quite sure. Either way, now we have kids being diagnosed as ADHD, and being prescribed awesome meds likt Ritalin. Now we have kids who we HAVE to restrain on "leashes" treating them like the family pet, and now we have kids KILLING each other in schools.... What have we allowed ourselves to become? Just my .02 Jo
  19. Very nicely done... and memorable.... nice work to whoever did that one!
  20. I use the Jones and Bartlett counterpart to the Course Compass.. but have used course compass in the past.. I like Compass better.. more user friendly.. I have had TONS of problems with the jbcourse site... and can't get grades posted like I'd like to. "Blackboard is very expensive.. there is a free "blackboard like" site called Moodle... but, I think it all depends on how tech savvy you are. Hope that was helpful. JoAnne
  21. I've learned that the general consensus on the forum is that our EMS Education Standards are lacking in the US. Even according to our own.
  22. AnatomyChick


    I'm on twitter.. and without any followers... You can find me Here: https://twitter.com/MissouriJo
  23. Missouri was missing you...!!! Welcome back old friend.. now get to posting!
  24. Good point Rid..but hopefully someone out there knows what I'm talking about... thanks for the responses. AC
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