Oh, see...now you guys have gone and done it... I'm going to have to get up on my Soapbox about how children are raised.
First of all, the video is disturbing to say the least. I am not a fan of Leashing children either, but I'd lay odds that there are those on this forum who have used the device on their children. I don't think using the leash on the child makes you a bad parent, but I DO agree that children should be taught to mind.
When I was growing up, my parents never hesitated to remind me who was the boss... most of the time a stern warning would do the trick, but sometimes, it would be followed up by a physical reminder.
Please keep in mind that my parents never BEAT me... I received throughout my childhood and adolescence a strong respect for discipline. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. When I was growing up, any adult who asked me to do something was the boss. I learned to respect my elders and I learned that just because I wanted "instant gratification", that didn't mean that it was always best for me.
Flash Forward to today's society. Everyone is afraid to discipline their children, or they simply don't want to take the time to do it... I'm not quite sure. Either way, now we have kids being diagnosed as ADHD, and being prescribed awesome meds likt Ritalin. Now we have kids who we HAVE to restrain on "leashes" treating them like the family pet, and now we have kids KILLING each other in schools....
What have we allowed ourselves to become?
Just my .02