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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. Many moons ago, I had a form that told me what the minimum score for each station in the NREMT Basic Station was. Even if the students don't miss critical criteria they can fail due to low scoring. Does anyone have access to this form? Let me know... AC
  2. Better late than never I guess. Hope you're feeling better soon Doc!
  3. Isn't Ridryder a Flight Jockey? Jo
  4. I received this notice just yesterday from our State EMS office. I can only think of one location that has a Zoll AED that I placed into service. I think that the potential for battery problems in these older devices is huge, depending on how often they receive good maintenance, or checks. Most "Non-EMS or Fire Service) locations / organizations that have AED's likely don't keep up a good maintenance record. I am glad that the companies are ponying up to these issues, and making us all aware. I am not a fan of this particular device, however, but I do like some of the technology that Zoll uses. Hopefully those entities that own these devices are aware of this situation. AC
  5. I agree.. flash cards work well. I quiz my students several times during the class to ensure that they are aware of the correct dosages, indications for use, and any contraindications that may take place. Good Luck! Jo
  6. I'm out.. the school I work for will send me, but the school I ATTEND is not so understanding. I'm just going to stop trying! Jo
  7. OMG.. I must be late on this.. I'm even after Medicjh... thought I had a couple of more days per MySpace, but guess not.. either way... Have the Happiest of Days.... you deserve it! AC
  8. I'll leave them.. have my own to deal with. I'll also leave one tired Miniature Schnauzer Puppy..... (she's slept all morning).
  9. AK.. put me down for the event..I'm getting the College that I work for to send me to all kinds of stuff this year... woo hoo!
  10. Afib..you're a suck up! I'll take it even though I'm never in chat.... I'll also leave behind half of a milkyway bar.
  11. Since we have breeched the M*A*S*H* Quotehold, one of my favorites .... sung by Colonel Potter (and probably not appropriate for a girl to post). "I love to go swimming with bowlegged women, and swim between their legs..."
  12. How far up the AHA chain are you Vent? Yes, I hold the AHA responsible for dumbing down the course to the point that you could literally teach a monkey the skills they want you to show for certification. I miss the days where competency was actually a part of the course... heaven forbid that students actually get what they pay for or what they invest their time in. Heaven forbid we hold these "certification" courses to the standard of actually teaching us something, instead of reminding us to be good providers. I also feel like students these days (the generation going through the programs now) feel entitled. In my program we hold our students to a higher standard.. but sadly not every program holds their students to the same standards. AC
  13. I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly with you tnuiqs! I was an AHA instructor for YEARS.. and was fairly proud of what we were doing. The last rollout was the final straw for me. I've had enough of dumbing down our students! Case in point, all of my students sat through the most current AHA Healthcare Provider course at the beginning of class.... Yesterday I was working with them on practical skills, I pulled out the AED, and we started to run through a scenario, and they had NO CLUE how to integrate any of the information that they were taught to the scenario. I was frustrated to say the least. Not at them, but at the fact that the AHA has gone so far to ensure that all pass no matter what, that they are putting out hundreds of subpar (at best) providers. Just my 2 cents. AC
  14. Leave them.... Don't know who they are, and don't speak espanol. I'm also leaving behind my EMT Students.... well 6 of them anyway.
  15. "I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde." Dolly Parton She's a funny lady... "In complete darkness we are all the same, it' is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us. Don't let your eyes decieve you!" Janet Jackson (from the album 1814)
  16. Leave it..don't know what it is, and afraid to ask... Leaving a trip to Las Vegas.
  17. Leave it.. if I have to eat it prefer it to be the non-canned variety.... I'm also leaving a copy of my A & P Notes from College.
  18. Take the Snowball Fight..... Will throw them at students.... leaving, the star off the top of the tree.
  19. Take it..will give it to a Wino.. 'tis the season.... I'll leave a cup of egg nog ( I hate the stuff!)
  20. You can keep them.. no telling who you used them on... I'm also leaving a box of Ashes...
  21. Leave it.. have my own... Leaving a 6 pack of Coca-Cola... (things go better with Coke!)
  22. Child Safety Seat Checks.... EMS should be involved helping reduce the number of traumatic childhood injuries.
  23. Take it.. Tastes Great, Less Filling... I'm leaving a pitcher of Coors Light.
  24. Take it.. should be able to make at least .05 on it..... I"m leaving my lighthouse collection.
  25. This is an interesting case... I"m excited to see what the future of Stem Cells gives us.... AC
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