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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. Leave it.. have my own homework. I'm dropping off a group of student nametags, from students no longer in our program.
  2. I'll take it.. keep it until it's cuteness runs out, then sell it.... I'll leave a 3 year old cantankerous cat.
  3. I'll take it... but she's really not that bad... I'm leaving a box of crayons.
  4. Take them... assuming they are my size. I'm leaving behind a VERY pregnant Administrative Asst.
  5. Leave it.. don't try to fool us Terri, Paradise doesn't exist....I'll also leave a rectal thermometer.
  6. Leave it.. single by choice.... Leaving a 2006 Lighthouse Calendar...
  7. Take them... doesn't know what muddy buddies are, but will find out. I'm leaving a slider cell phone, old school version.
  8. Take them.. will show them to my students. I'm leaving a ruler...
  9. Take it.. will tune it and start a band. I'm leaving a Sand Castle.....
  10. Leave it.. prefer to work up to my own poor attitude. Leaving a slightly used Timex Watch.... still working.
  11. **Grabs the cake before Terri can***... leaves behind a broken sphygmom..ummm Blood Pressure cuff.
  12. Leave the pager.. maybe it's going off because you have a call. I"m also leaving a couple of worn out students.
  13. Ohhhh.. I'll take them... speaking of "Add Ass"..... too bad you didn't also leave milk. Ah well.. I'm leaving behind a PhD in Quantum Physics.
  14. Ummmm.... no thanks :shock: I'll leave a Happy Meal toy that my friends son gave me... the Zebra from Madagascar II!
  15. Leave it.. don't know how to brew Dr. Pepper, but if I did.. I'm sure it wouldn't be in a coffee pot! I'm leaving a power cord.
  16. Ummmmm take it?!?! (doesn't want to offend)... I'm leaving a squishy skull ball. AC
  17. For some reason I can't a.) find the thread that everyone is referring to... and b.) get a pm to work to Island. I'll give you my "school" e-mail here : jc0057610@otc.edu
  18. oops.. I had forgotten about this... will try to remember when I'm at the office tomorrow. AC
  19. Leave it..never have a full weekend off.... I'm also leaving a cup of paperclips to go with the earlier posted thumbtacks
  20. I'll take that... woo hoo... another day off! I'm leaving a bag of Drug Rep Pens... Jo
  21. HEY..... I'm leaving the platter AND Terri's lifeless body.... Don't stand between me and cookies.
  22. When I get to the school this afternoon I'll send you what I have so far... and what I've used in the past... I'd be interested in what you come up with as well. JoAnne
  23. Couldn't you make 'em without the nuts... I'm allergic! I'm leaving them.... I'll also leave a stack of $5 Bills. JoAnne
  24. Take it.. love House... I"m leaving a stack of ungraded homework.
  25. Thanks firedoc! It's nice to have support in Education!
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