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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. I'll take it... maybe it will get me away from all of the political talk... I"m leaving a set of headphones.
  2. The two listed responses above are the reasons that the assignment was given. I don't limit my classes to the basic / required 110 hours + clinicals, and never have.... I don't agree with it, and I think it turns out EMT's that are mediocore at best. We do a lot of education that would be considered "outside the box" thinking in many programs.... the bonus for us is that we have a 100% pass rate (knock on wood), first time testing on both practical and written testing. We also turn out students that are sought out after graduation. Critical Thinking, and thinking outside the box activities are good for the program, and GREAT for the students... just my .02. AC
  3. thanks Ruff...and Island.. you have a PM. Jo
  4. Island, you wouldn't be willing to share that would you? Jo
  5. I chose to put this in the EMS Discussion thread because I thought it would get reviewed by more people, and even though it has to do with a project I've given my class, I'll get the most feedback in a "mainstream" forum. I have tasked my EMT class with Designing, and stocking their dream ambulance. Money is no option (at this point) and they can have any toys they want. I'm having difficulty finding good specifications (including price) from any of the Ambulance manufacturers... actually one manufacturer has donated his personal time to assist one group.... What I need from my EMT City Family is an idea of what an ambulance costs...bonus for you if you have purchased recently and still have some of the specs. Your reward...a photo of the class you helped, and knowledge that you've helped a good group complete their project. Thanks in advance, JoAnne
  6. Leave it.. already own one.... Half of a Coke (20 oz.)
  7. Leave them... I have a sucky team of my own. I'm leaving a Chicken Enchilada.
  8. FINALLY.... someone was thinking the same thing that I was. Not that the product doesn't provide a good service, but the thread was becoming one long commercial. JC
  9. ahhh ok...state requirements.... I know the AHA will certify anyone at any age. jc
  10. Unless something has changed recently (within the last 2.5 years).... there is no age limit to a person who could take CPR...We had a 4 year old take a class once at a free event. JC
  11. Leave it... would just be one HUGE thud at the bottom.... I'm leaving a can of Sour Cream and ONion Pringles.
  12. Take it...have loved the Phillies since the old Mike Schmidt days.... I'm leaving a set of trauma shears.
  13. leave it...have one....leave the cowardly lion.
  14. Mmmmm, mmmmmm Fish guts.... LEAVE IT! I'll leave a book of stamps.
  15. I'm jumping on the Champagne, since I got NOTHING from Mr. Jess.... I'll leave the empty bottle.
  16. but...but...you didn't leave anything! Okay... I'll take NOTHING, and leave a wireless mouse....
  17. Leave them...there's a reason you're getting rid of them.... Yo' Adrian!..... I'm leaving a VHS tape of Tombstone.
  18. Something is wrong in the world today, Terri is giving away Chocolate. Ok.. I leave the ice cream... brainfreeze... and I'm also leaving a New Digital Camera. Jo
  19. Take it.. I want to start target shooting.... I'm leaving a Roll of Invisible Tape (can you tell I'm in the office supply closet?)
  20. Take it... I need a new phone... I'm leaving a Swingline Stapler. Jo
  21. Well... I"m not stupid...I'll take the gold bar.... and leave a bag of uncut Emeralds.
  22. Take it.. need a new one. Leaving a Coleman Lantern.
  23. Take it.. you must have worked at Subway in a past life (where they are ALL Sandwich Artists).... I'm leaving a cold Dr. Pepper.
  24. Take it, will sell it. Leaving a slightly used backpack.
  25. Heh... I hate it when they get too good for us!
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