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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. good question..while we're at it.. anyone heard from prpg lately?
  2. Take it.. I'm a news junkie.... I'm leaving a $50 Gift Certificate to Applebee's
  3. Ummm leave it... I'm leaving the General Lee (a REAL car!)
  4. Ditto to that.
  5. Take it... even instructors like resources.... leaving a Chocolate Cream Pie
  6. Leave it.. have one of my own... actually a whole pair! I'm leaving a can of gold spray paint, nearly new.
  7. Leave it.... too short..... Leaving my KC chiefs jacket
  8. I'll take it... who can't use a garden hose? I'm leaving a Whopper with cheese...fresh off the grill
  9. Take it .... will sell it.... no one would trust me with swords and knives... I"m leaving my Lighthouse Collection...(about 50 pieces)
  10. Take it... need an extra.... a can of Coca Cola
  11. Leave it...what good does one do me?.... leaving a box of chocolate covered cherries, left from Christmas.
  12. Leave it.. I'm allergic.. both to the deranged part and the cat part..... I'm leaving a deskjet 932C printer...
  13. Not that you would know.... thanks for the idea, but I like my freedom.
  14. Leave it.... A meal prepared by Wolfgang Puck
  15. Thanks to you all for responding... Thanks for the list, and yes..I have had students fill their personal bags with school equipment, thanks to dust for reminding me to stencil everything.... in the program that I'm teaching I have already had to replace Airways, the AED Trainer, and the lungs on the airway manikin...and we're just 5 weeks in. When I used to teach for the hospital we got all of their expired stuff.. thanks for reminding me to rebuild those connections. Please keep the ideas coming... we're trying to get everything together by January. Jo
  16. Take it... I wanna sing and dance, I wanna sing and dance, I wanna be a pirate in the pirates of Penzance....ok, enough of that... I'm leaving a Rolladex.
  17. Take it.. no problem, live on MUCH less than that now.... I"m leaving a Bobblehead Sheep
  18. Take it..not explaining why..... leave a box of pencils
  19. The school that I work for is planning to hold their first Paramedic program this year. I am assisting with the coordination of this program, and want to make sure that we have everything we need. Do one of you have a "list" of equipment that is needed to teach a program like this? Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Jo
  20. I'll take it... sell it on ebay.... leaving a partial package of 'C' Batteries.
  21. Leave it.. I have enough broken stuff... I'm leaving 1/2 of a Meat Lovers Large Pizza on Thin Crust.
  22. Take it... need time away... An evening with Springfield, Missouri's native son Brad Pitt, at Trolley's in Downtown Springfield.
  23. Leave them.. have my own useless used textbooks.... I"m leaving a Picture of my last EMT Class
  24. Leave it...no doggie... Leaving a EMS Business Card Holder. **I like roses, but DETEST Red ones.
  25. Take it... Ellen's been hunting for him, can score points.... I'm leaving a set of Sharpies.
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