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Everything posted by AnatomyChick

  1. Leave it.. don't want to be accused of taking something so important!.... I'm leaving a piece of Strawberry / Rhubarb Pie...
  2. I'll take it.... will have a place to store the crap I'm gettin' on here..... I'm leaving a Bobblehead Ned Reynolds
  3. Mmmm Takes it.. ... leaves an empty ink cartridge.
  4. Take it.. might get lucky, who knows? ...Leaving a deck of 49 cards
  5. Take it.. will sell it on ebay.... I'm leaving a Business Principles notebook full of drawings by yours truly, and oh yeah, some notes.
  6. Leaving the Glass Slipper.... I'd guarantee my foot is too big.... I'm leaving the last Reeses Peanut Butter Cup in the package.
  7. Leave it.. with my luck you'd leave me the half that you already ate. I'm leaving a package of Pop Rocks Gum. Jo
  8. Leave it.... BLECH! A set of keys (I don't know what they go to).
  9. Take 'em... I know a Fraternity looking for a way to spend a Friday Night... I'm leaving a snow globe with the Simpsons it it.
  10. Leave it.... Bad memories of a former student. Used AA Batteries
  11. Take 'em... Who cares if they're the wrong prescription..it's all about fashion. A 1996 Monte Carlo.
  12. Leave it... I'm a Cardinals fan.... An "Easy" button from Staples
  13. Leave it... who needs a fight?.... one bag cell phone.
  14. Take them... one mans trash, et al..... one 256MB Jump Drive
  15. Just a Dream.. Carrie Underwood
  16. Take it... I'll pawn it.. need the cash..... I'll leave a Michael Buble CD... slightly used
  17. Take 'em... who doesn't love a good race.... 1 stress reliever squeezie (Barn).
  18. I'll take it.... Half a Bologna Sandwich...
  19. Take them...it's been a rough day. A slightly deformed paper clip
  20. Steering the topic back on track...Rest In Peace Brother...
  21. yep.. I agree..it's a self test... I remember the sales rep telling me about that when we purchased ours. Jo
  22. Every agency is different.... Our local agencies (I'm from the midwest) don't allow visible tatto's or piercing other than the ears (traditional for women, one ear piercings for men). I think for us it is a combination of things... firstly, the protocols were written in the early 80's, secondly, we serve a very large retirement area, who are deeply religious (not saying that those with "ink" aren't religious, just stating that our retiree's wouldn't look kindly on it). With that said... I'm with ruff on this one.. I don't care if you look like Frankenstein as long as you provide good quality patient care, while keeping good customer service. Jo
  23. So, can you explain to us how it's done... I haven't ever heard of it either, but wonder if it's what our guys call "cocooning".
  24. Proof that I've been living under a rock since I've started back to school. I had actually never heard of this... but after examining the photo's, I'd be willing to try it... would probably even like it. Weird, I'm not usually into "non-normal" foods. Jo
  25. You've gotta love "Whose Line"... I don't think I've ever made it through an episode without laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.... Funny Stuff.. thanks for posting!
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