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Everything posted by KSL2786

  1. Your last two sentences are merely your opinion and not fact... and I strongly disagree with them. They are loyal and as far as that dog was concerned it WAS fulfilling its purpose, protecting its owner (same thing the police were supposedly trying to do). Its unfortunate it had to fall victim to a jack ass cop who didn't have the balls to handle it in a different way.
  2. A 200lb hog can't be compared to a 200lb, capable human being. We are surely a superior force when it comes to wild hogs. Dont get me wrong, I know dogs can be incredibly vicious and I know what they're capable of. I think its more a matter of heart, and plain superiority.
  3. Good night.
  4. Yeah but you ASSUMED that when I said "we" I meant my parents and I. When really, it could have meant me and any number of people.
  5. Yeah. Look at number two. 2. Used to refer to people in general, including the speaker or writer: Thanks for helping prove my own point for me Not that bright for an ERdoc.
  6. so your saying you dont realize that all situations are subjective? If you lived with a roomate and someone called you and asek where you lived.. would it be wrong for you to say "our house is..." or "we live near...""
  7. It was a college roomates car you numb skull since when does the word "we" mean "my parents and i" ????
  8. Umm the owner of the car called them. Dirrrrrrrr
  9. Yep I'm still here. I didn't call them. Why the hell would I call police when the car wasn't mine. And it wasn't my parents either dipshit, quit assuming things. Also I know better than to stroll into an area where by myself I"ll surely be shot, robbed or killed. There are *other* ways these things can be handled. But I wouldn't expect you to be able to grasp those concepts.
  10. Haha. Yeah thats what you think. Tell me this sir, why would someone with so little faith in them, expect them to do any good for me? I handle my own situations.
  11. Bottom line, that officer is a pussy, most of them are. You're trying to insult my reading abilities, how is that not a personal attack? THis isn't worth my time man. I'm out.
  12. You sir, are weak minded and thin-skinned. You have proven yourself to resort to personal attacks when you can't make a point. Its like no one has ever disagreed with you in your life. I"ve read everything you've said, and everything everyone else has said. I can read, I can write.. I am in school.. this may be hard for you to accept but yes I do understand everything that is written. just because i don't agree with it doesn't mean i don't understand it.
  13. I am 26 years old sir. And I don't believe you are the judge of who "won the argument" I didn't realize we were looking for a win, and it doesn't appear to me that the argument is over since were still talking.. am I wrong? And what are you talking about knowing someone who did something?
  14. I'm sorry but what put you in the position of judging my reading/comprehension abilities? Just because we don't share the same point of view doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about just as much as you do. You don't like what I have to say so you assume I'm not comprehending things the right way.
  15. Ohh okay, so you're going to attack my reading skills instead. LOL You're funny. I am tired of this, have a good night.
  16. I didn't say anyone was wrong. Sounds more to me like you're admitting it, especially since you've had to move on to attacking spelling errors.
  17. They sure have, mostly small children. Well, you're wrong. I've been with dogs my whole life. That COP had little experience with dogs. So does anyone who thinks it needed to be shot.
  18. It was an abuse of power, in my eyes. Dog didn't need to be shot, my grandmother could have subdued that dog. I already told you I would walk right up to it and tackle it. Its a DOG!!!!! Yeah, you might get bit. I"m not a pussy. Theres no way you wont get the dog restrained within a matter of seconds.
  19. I'm just saying it could have been handled much differently. Shooting the dog was overkill.
  20. A bear would be a bit more justifiable. But that dog cant weigh more than like 50lbs. That officer is a pansy if you ask me. Haha just look at the snapshot. How pathetic
  21. I certainly do not agree that he was in imminent danger
  22. I acknowledge that and I know there are, I have a good friend who is a Sheriff.. I apologize for making a generalization, didn't realize it would be so touchy.
  23. I blame them for their first hand actions and choices. They are the ones who initially act to put someone in the legal system in the first place. Once they're in the legal system they're out of the police officers hands, right?
  24. I do. I'm not blaming the cops for the large scale issues of our legal system, it was a change of topic since he asked me a question about how I felt about it.
  25. No sir I wasn't blaming the cops I was just sharing my views on the legal system since you brought it up. It was a change of topic, I know the cops have nothing to do with it.
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