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Everything posted by steph1030

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STACY!!!!!! HOPE ITS A GREAT ONE GIRL!!!!!!!! :occasion5: :occasion4: :occasion7: :occasion7: :occasion1: :occasion4: :occasion5: <3 steph<3
  2. jp i do agree with you.you can train a chimp to be an emt but alot of the time if the sklill is never used and in alot of places it is learned and then never used outside of school.If it is used (even in training scenarios)it is more likely to be remembered when it is actually needed to be performed
  3. this seems like a heated topic and im sure everyone has their own opinins and the reasons behind them.But here's my 2 cents If you are trained for it and can effectively adminuster the skill then it is ok but that means keeping up with the skill.i mean you practiced in class and passed why shpuld that stop there?maybe if more companies did like some of the ones local to me(on our training nights alot of the times we practice the skills we know may not be used frequently just to keep everyone familiar with it)then maybe those who have to perform them wouldnt be so afraid to do so
  4. Congrats !!! and dust is right the scores arent as important as the knowledge
  5. box of condoms,playtex gloves,baby oil,tape,whip cream,syrup,a fix it around the house magazine,themometer and dog coller ok my medicine for this infection must be gettin to me why did i reply here and i thought we weren't allowed to talk about anything against the rules????
  6. can u imagine the faces on the parents much less the kids??wow santa would definitely get some hate mail for that!!!
  7. when you have people staring at you after you wash your hands before going to the bath room,turn the faucet off with a paper towel and then start the whole process over again after using the bathroom and when people see you out of uniform and dont recognize its you because they are used to seeing you in uniform only
  8. 1. Yourself:Amazing 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: widowed(john may you rest in peace...) but im hoping to find that special someone again someday 3. Your hair: just had it permed again 4. Your mother? Dee ,may she rest in peace 5. Your Father? Tom the best father you could ever have 6. Your Favorite Item: dont really have one 7. Your dream last night: about someone special 8. Your favorite drink: diet dr pepper 9. Your dream car: don't really have one 10. The room you are in: warm 11. Your Ex: don't have an ex right now 12. Your Fears: failure 13. What do you want to be in 10 years: happy(again) with that special someone 14. Who you hung out with tonight? my kids(dull huh?) 15. What You're Not? happy ...was at one time but not now 16. Muffins: have too much sugar and crap in them 17: One of Your Wish List Items: that special someone(again) 18. Time: 1527 19. Last thing you did? typed the words for this survey....lol 20. What You Are Wearing? tshirt and sweats...laundry day..ugh! 21. Your Favorite Weather: cool breeze and warm ...more like a nice fall day 22. Your Favorite Book: fiction 23. The last thing you ate: ham and cheese wrap 24. Your Life: hectic but at times it feels empty 25. Your Mood: scared 26. Your friends:greatest that there are 27. What are you thinking about right now? him 28. Your car: a minivan 29. What are you doing at the moment?: doing this survey, DUH and talkin to someone on aol 30. Your summer: sucked 31. Your relationship status: single.... 32. What is on your tv?dont have the tv on listenong to a cd 33. When is the last time you laughed? don't remember 34. last time you cried? rather not say i do it too often...so i guess ill pass on this answer 35. School? ask me later
  9. we learned via the book but they definitely utilized practical skills as it makes things alot clearer. if they are only using the books then you may not be getting the whole picture doing the skills are alot more useful than reading about how to do them
  10. i have seen this before but it is wayyy too funny!!!! thanks for the laugh,ak MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! :santa:
  11. this was forwarded to me and i thought it an appropriate piece of writing to place here. hope no one minds The tones go out In the middle of the night. The firefighter responds There's a fire to fight. The apparatus rolls As the crew gets ready The Officer's on the radio. The driver holds it steady. As the truck draws near Black smoke rolls into sight, The firefighters are ready To battle the orange light. The flames are growing. They find the occupants are out. The hose lines are charged. This is what it's all about. Two firefighters go in To battle the flame. Something doesn't feel right, They both feel the same. The creaking is now loud, They turn to retreat. The roof crashes in The sound is deafening in the street. Other firefighters are trying To clear through the rubble. They know two of their own Are in grave trouble. At last one calls out, "One firefighter found!" The digging begins To get him unbound. He asks for his partner As they pull him free. They tell him they're looking, And then they finally see. His partner has been found, His injuries are grave. As hard as they try, His life they could not save. Thousands of grieving firefighters Gathered to hear The chaplain say, "Firefighter Down," And from each falls a tear. *If you know a firefighter, and don't want this to happen, please show our firefighters the respect they deserve and re-post this
  12. connie thats too funny!!!
  13. I GOT THIS IN AN EMAIL AND IT WAS TOO FUNNY NOT TO POST!!! > > > Nuns on Vacation > > > Two nuns, Sister Catherine and Sister Helen, are traveling through > > > Europe in > > > their car. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a traffic >light. > > > Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny little Dracula jumps onto the hood of > > > the > > > car and hisses through the windshield. > > > "Quick, quick!" shouts Sister Catherine. "What shall we do?" > > > Turn the windshield wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination," > > > says > > > Sister Helen. > > > Sister Catherine switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he >clings > > > on > > > and continues hissing at the nuns. "What shall I do now?" she shouts. > > > "Switch on the windshield washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at >the > > > Vatican," says Sister Helen. Sister Catherine turns on the windshield > > > washer. Dracula screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on > > > and > > > continues hissing at the nuns. > > > "Now what?" shouts Sister Catherine? > > > "Show him your cross," says Sister Helen. > > > "Now you're talking," says Sister Catherine. She opens the window and > > > shouts, "Get the fuck off the car!"
  14. SAIL
  15. [/font:c9876236bc] I'm definitely gettin too old i remember about 14 of em ...that sucks!!! :evil: too damn old....lol
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