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Everything posted by steph1030

  1. so instead of going to cause trouble why dont the ones that wanna act like CHILDREN instead of ADULTS just stay home?why ruin others good time ?that wouldnt be fair for those that wanna go and put faces to the names that we hve talked to for so long on here and formed bond with ....not fair to those that wanna go with good intentions when the troublemakers(aka..ww3 insinuators)would be there but i have to agree in person is a WHOLE lot different than the computer no screen to HIDE behind when u shoot ur mouth off ......so lets just be adults and plan to have a good time like the proffessionals and adults we truly are ?i am sure the attitudes arent like this in real off the computer settings cuz it wouldnt be tolerated in general:)
  2. yea thatd be the ideal haha ash
  3. i worked as a cna before becoming an emt and i agree with you 100% theyd run and never comeback
  4. workin a code alone def sucks but u do what u gotta do to preserve life (hopefully...)
  5. good point don but maybe the toublemakers will stay in their hole ...we can only hope anyway
  6. good point whereever it would need to be woud work for me too esp if i get to meet you:Dhaha
  7. omg happ thats cute too
  8. theyve talked bout this before and there are many of us from pa /ny/nj so that could also be an option
  9. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww omg lol
  10. chloroform
  11. humidifier
  12. ativan
  13. yonkers
  14. spine
  15. laryngoscope
  16. yukon
  17. gauze
  18. aphrodisiac
  19. tonsilitis
  20. sharps
  21. nebulizer
  22. syringes
  23. nocturnal
  24. i never sid the charcoal was administered therehave been a few occassions (mind you VERY FEW)where whatever they hve taken has made them vomit long BEFORE ems came onto scene therefore we just kept airway open and transported to the er
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