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Everything posted by steph1030

  1. there hve been MANY words repeated laura but oh well still love ya to adderall
  2. epistaxsis
  3. radial
  4. asthma
  5. asphixia
  6. angina
  7. these r nice and make people stop and think about why we do what we do
  8. well said laura i worked as a cna before becoming n emt nd it is a thankless job and i take my hat off to those who do it becaause they deserve it
  9. i agree there is definitely balance and it cnt be forgotten what we learn in class is just as important if not more important than the street knowledge that we aquire we all have to learn this and it isnt handed to us we just kinda go with the flow until we get our own rythm as for not throwing out books......NO WAY best to go back if ever need to especially with a skill not practiced much to review and reevluate it will make u a better practioner for this
  10. lydocaine
  11. xlaphone
  12. sediment
  13. soap
  14. i believe that in most not all cases keeping it in the family is good you can be there for one another in good days n bad cuz u understand the bs and all daily but then in some cases bringing it home to non "ems /fie/etc"makes it rougher they dont understand just expect you to be there no matter how ur feeling etc depends on the situation
  15. sodiumbicarbonate
  16. yay another low paying thankless job in america gotta love it
  17. i dont drink that often either nor that much so ive never been sick enough to hurl or not remeber the next day so i guess im alightweight too thank god
  18. euphoric
  19. soo true lauara maybe bettter to look before squatting roflmao
  20. aspirin
  21. elastic
  22. labotomy
  23. nitroglycerin
  24. yuengling
  25. magnesium
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