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Everything posted by steph1030

  1. law of cp and mis ALL seem to happen after midnight anyway
  2. im sure they had a reason for the words used spenac theres nothing wrong with ur name being used geesh
  3. neonatal
  4. epigastric
  5. cancerous
  6. labotomy
  7. trachea
  8. yugoslavia
  9. mucus
  10. laringitis
  11. neonatal
  12. nasopharnyx
  13. hemoragic
  14. eucerine
  15. narcan
  16. epileptic
  17. medium
  18. haha i forgot xyphoid and ambulance is great...even in piglatin but whats the next word?? a-anyuerism e-epiglotis
  19. geee i wonder why?? :? havent got a clue laura
  20. xray
  21. got to bout 450 meters definitely on the nerves
  22. im guessin probably not many lauara
  23. emisis
  24. it seems to me this topic has been beaten when it first happend that poor horse anyway i thought it was decided that they were all a bunch of idiots that all needed to be fired .......the pitt maneuvar alone said they lacked proffessionalism ........
  25. it depends on the person some are just hard people some it doesnt affect other it can haunt you forever my first was my own husband shoulda never worked on him but the ones coverin our crew that night sucked and couoldnt bag properly but it helped me to learn rythym stirps alot better sadly ........the one for a call was an 8 wk old in afib cute plumpy seeet baby perfect child that shoulda lived but didnt .....the guy we had after was a 77 yo drunk pickling himself he survived ....sometimes u need to do what needs done and move on it is hard but we all do it will it make me a better provider to be hard ?not really it is way you handle things that is what counts
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