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Everything posted by Meriful

  1. I just recently went through this. Not sure if you're on a city truck or private, I was on a private service as city backup. The thing is, you have to find your moment. If pumping flows easy for you, it won't take long, but it flowed slow for me, took 30min to get 4oz. So my partner and dispatch were awesome. If I hadn't got a chance to pump and it was coming up on the 4th hour, he'd tech, and take his time doing paperwork so I could pump. If I was getting real sore or engorged and we hadn't caught a break, a quick call to dispatch put us OOS for a bit. I didn't often get the 30min I needed, but if you take some time here and there it works and you don't get sore and you at least get some of your milk pumped. Don't try and fill a bag each time, you can always merge your bags later. They're good for 24 hours in the fridge and 6 months in the freezer. DO NOT wait until the fourth hour like they tell you in order to pump, you can...but there's no guarantee you'll get the time you need, simply take it when you can get it, period. And people will help you out at work, you just have to ask.
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