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weasel 108

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Everything posted by weasel 108

  1. Dust, I like the plan. Too many new EMTs in my area (fresh out of EMT school) are more interested in driving the ambulance than patient care.
  2. Great Idea. One problem I would see in my area (I'm sure this is everywhere) Is the idiots on the cell phones. :roll: They can't even drive and pay attention to what they are doing. Do you think an alarm is going to alert them ?
  3. :thumbright: Very good Rid, I have to agree with you.
  4. Bucket fairies,that's funny . I've heard fire monkeys used before and I still laugh. I've had medics call them hose jockeys or hose monkeys also.
  5. why do you say that the name "bat belt " or the pouch for gloves or maybe for the stethoscope what right now i do not have a jump / trauma / emt bag an i am a vollenter with a small recue squad so i need so thing that i can pick up and go with and i glad you like it
  6. It's an honor to have you aboard. Welcome :cheers:
  7. jeeeeez,I hate that damn saying,can we stop using that statement on this forum. This past weekend I saw some moron wearing that t-shirt at the local walmart( oh ,and he had 2 pagers on his belt) I swear I just wanted to go over and rip the freakin thing off of him and beat him over the head with any item near by. :evil:
  8. We have numerous "large" Pt's in our area( must be something in the air :roll: ) For a 911 call for one of these people,we will usually have our 2nd medic unit or one of our BLS units assist (even our chief/administrator comes out and helps). If we need more help or the other units are not available,then we call for the BRT(big red truck).
  9. that's funny Dust. Rid, well put. I have no markings/plates on my vehicle that identifies me as an EMT.
  10. Redcell, I did something similar. Last summer I left the station late ( call 5 min. before end of my shift and my relief not there to relieve me :evil: ) so anyway I'm heading home (still in uniform,and I was in a rush to get home),and I stop at the local Ritas water ice to pick up orders for wife and kids. So the employee hands me the bag and I ask "how much?",she says "no charge, we give EMS discounts when your on duty". I quickly stated that I was not working and I payed for the order. Sounds silly,but I was embarresed and ashamed. To this day,no matter how late I am, I will always change into plain clothes before I head home .
  11. the unit that my medic and I are issued,does that now.OOPs sorry ,my partner just told me that our unit is not supposed to be blowing flames out the back :shock: (Lousy Fords) .
  12. My main full time EMS job ,we are an all career service with 1 volley EMT in the whole dept.( a captain :roll: we keep this volley for nostalgie. I'M KIDDING ) At my other full time gig,we have maybe 5-10 volleys that still ride the ambulances and 4 volleys that are the exec board,the rest are career.
  13. holy crap :shock: like Asysin said,relax.,drink decaf. Sounds like you need a hug.
  14. I get to wear cool looking boots and wear a badge (thought you would like this one)
  15. Great post on that site Rid =D> . This nitwit will be the one to complain and call his lawyer,when an incident occurs to him or his loved ones and he does not get the "proper medical attention". I still thinks this has to be a joke. Where's Dust? I think he would be able to provide another great post on that forum.
  16. hfdff, are you able to provide us with the form sight. I'd like to see this for myself. Sounds like it would be good reading.
  17. Off duty,I carry my keys,nextel,and wallet. Sometimes I'll carry my youngest son. Ooops,sorry if you ment EMS stuff,then the answer is .... nope.
  18. No way,I bought that bridge 2 years ago. I am now the sole owner
  19. (when working ) I carry: 1.a watch. 2.I have my own radio holder and belt clip( since people in our station are always losing the squad's). 3.Portable Radio. 4.Squad's cell phone ( crappy nextels) 5.Gloves in my back pocket. 6.I have a small leather holster that holds 2 scissors(same reason as mediccjh stated),penlight,O2 wrench. 7.(3) pens (one of the medics I work with always takes my pens.She keeps forgetting hers.Good thing she is not working with me tonight,and does not see me writing this)
  20. Salty,I agree with what Anthony wrote. Anyway, where I work,if the call is ALS,I will clean the bus,make the litter,and help my partner ( who is a paramedic)restock. If the call is BLS,he does the same for me.
  21. Lady calls 911 to have us tuck her in for bed time,or to put her legs into her bed,turn off her stove,drain her foley bag. She once called 911 for "Pt assist" we showed up and she wanted my partner and I to wipe her a$% after she took a dump. This women would always call the days that my medic and I would work and our run ticket would always have in the notes that the patient did not want 911 to send the "bald medic" and "bald EMT" to her house. We finally gave her our work schedule(after she requested it). She has not called 911 on my shift for sometime now(weasel knocks on wood) Had an older man who called 911 for us to take him over to the CVS to get his medications. Had a women call 911 for a "laceration" turned out that she poked her finger tip with a pin ,while trying to hem pants. She wanted us to transport her to the Hospital,and she was very insistant on going. So we took her to the ER (with an Elmo bandaid covering the "injury" ) Had a gentleman call 911 for transport to Hospital. When we arrived at his house,he told us that his trees in his backyard were out to get him,and were trying to get into the house. One of other crews had a call for a "cardiac" (this was during the Christmas season). Anyway the run ticket notes said to look for the house that has been "Griswald"(National Lampoon's X-mas). Crew said later that the house did have a lot of lights. Another medic unit in the lower part of our county recieved a call for a male subject with chest pains that he realized he was having after watching the show "Emergency" ( I was working that day and heard it on the station's scanner.) We were dispatched one night for an "emergency transport" at local nursing home. Turned out that the patient was having nightmares and the staff wanted us to take him to the ER for evaluation. Love my job,love my job,love my job,love my job. Sassafras, you right these calls do keep our job interesting
  22. Well put Asy. I salute you :salute:
  23. Okay,here we go :roll: I was refering to A VOLLY (single not plural) "that idiot". I hate the "Paramedics save lives,EMT's save paramedics "shirts. Asys I'm in aggreement with scaramedic, I want one of those t-shirts also. Sorry folks for not replying sooner. Been sick for about 2 weeks with flu and out of work,so I have not been on the site.
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