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weasel 108

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Everything posted by weasel 108

  1. Asy. I think that idiot volleys (mind you he is one of 4 volleys we have left) at my squad. :shock: Anyway your thoughts on the idiot that made the bumper sticker is funny.
  2. Another stupid t- shirt I've seen was "My Time My Gas To Save Your A$$" I believe this was a volunteer shirt. Several years back in the county that I work in there was a t-shirt going around ( I'll admit I had one) that said "Career EMS, it's not a Hobby". Yep,that pi$$ed off quite a few vollys in my area.
  3. That's funny Marty
  4. Be safe AK. My prayers are with you. :salute:
  5. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family,and friends.
  6. Hey Dust, great signature
  7. Yep :roll: :shock:
  8. :roll: :roll: We had a medic in my area that worked for local EMS. he went to cut pant leg on a patient,and produced a very nice size laceration to Pt's leg. My suggestion is to leave the knife at home or in your vehicle. But again ,just my suggestion
  9. PRPG, I agree with you. Bus,rig,truck, the one I like to use is cabulance. one medic that I work with calls the rig the "turbo charged trash truck"
  10. My thoughts and prayers go out to the probationary firefighter and Lieutenant of FDNY,their family, friends,and fellow firefighters.
  11. Dust,that is what I read also in his post. Oookay then,if what i'm reading from your post is correct,then go get a job in a taxi service
  12. I'm in agreement with the posts on this discussion. I also have to agree with marty ,you are correct ,I hate stupid people too.
  13. What is a toque? :? There's a country called Canada? (just kidding)
  14. I've seen worse wackers. :roll: If he had a blue light preferably a light bar(Pa volley's use blue lights) on top of his vehicle,a fire helmet in his back window,and an EMT sticker on the back window, I'd call him a true wacker. Although he does have the EMS plate on front of his car and stethoscope on his mirror. What's with the mounted lap top? :?
  15. One of the squads that I work at just ordered 2 Osage trucks (due in Nov of this year). Never been in one of them ,but I've heard alot of good things about them. As far as McCoy Miller(more like Destroy Miller) they are nothing but s#$t boxes. I swear they are built using modeling glue. I've been working in a new AEV we purchased about 7months ago,and so far I like it. Our chief/Administrator has ordered 3 new AEV units. He said he will never order McCoy Millers again.
  16. 'Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses. ( I'm singing it to myself as I'm Typing) (now I'll date myself) "Danger Zone" from the Top Gun movie ( I forget the artist)
  17. 13,Don't tell your age. I am old :shock:
  18. Here is a couple of pranks I've pulled on newbies. #1-place saline bag with IV tubing under mattress of sofa,when they sit down their back side gets wet. #2 -About 4 weeks ago ,2 of our new EMTs had come into the day room after doing their morning truck check. I asked them if they had located the fallopian tubes in the truck. I told them they were used for the suction unit. Well anyway they spent the next 20 minutes looking through their assigned truck,and then another 10 minutes looking in the supply room( my chief liked this one, A+ for the weasel). One of the bathrooms in our station is used by the men and women and the women complain that the men don't put the seat up to pee. I walked into the bathroom and dripped apple juice on the bathroom toilet seat. I could tell it worked,because you could hear one of the women yelling.
  19. weasel 108

    New Diet

    That was great ,I just shot water out my nostrils.(I shouldn't drink when I read these)
  20. I unfortunatly do not have nor am I issued body armor where I work. Our current chief is looking into purchasing vest for us. I know several years ago we had asked our (now x deputy chief )if they were going to look into getting us body armor,and his reply (i'm not making this up) was " if you are worried about safety,go work somewhere else". We thought he was kidding,but apparently he was not.
  21. I'm glad everything turned out for the best for both of you.
  22. Yep,here we go again. :roll: I think I will have the age correct this time. (17 year old talking to his friends.... No s*#t,there I was ... etc,etc) Anyway I drive a 4 door Blazer with headlights. and yes I do have first aid equipment in my truck, it consists of 2 bandaids (Damn paper cut) druidman, does your Saturn look like the vehicle used in Ghost Busters ? AZCEP. your last post I have to agree with your last sentence.
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