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weasel 108

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Everything posted by weasel 108

  1. Yo Ace, man I just about pi$$ed my self.
  2. :shock: :shock: wtf ?
  3. My family and I had an unusual (I won't say haunting or weird,because I'm still skeptical about this event) event occur in 2004. Anyway it was not an EMS haunting. We were in Gettysburg Pa, for several days touring the battlefield and museums. Well the last night we stayed,my oldest son wanted to take one of those ghost tours. So my son and I went on the tour,with my wife and my youngest staying at the hotel. Anyway by the end of the tour ,as expected,my son was scared. So on the way back to hotel,we decided to pick up some drinks at the 7 eleven. My son the whole time, kept saying that there was this little boy in the back seat of my vehicle sitting with him. Of course,there was no one there,so I told him to let the ghost know that he was not coming home with us tomorrow ,and I started laughing and saying that there were no ghosts,that it was his imagination. Well the next morning we were getting ready to leave,when I was unable to start the truck. One of the hotel workers gave my truck a jump,suddenly my 4 ways came on. Now I tried to rule out all possibilities. 1st,I asked my son if he had turned them on when he got out,he said, "Dad I got out the back door and never went out the front." 2nd,I had parked up against the wall of the hotel, and when I shut off my truck,I would have seen the 4 ways blinking on the wall ,because it was dark out.I also locked my truck for the night.I'm also anal about making sure everything is turned off in my trucks for this reason :? I figured that whoever it was ,they were trying to make a point(besides pi$$ing me off). Also,I had my battery and electrical system checked later,and was told that everything was fine and they could not find anything wrong. So,yep it could have been something mechanical or electrical,but who knows?(sometimes it's fun to think it was a haunting that might have occured) Anyway just thought I'd share this .
  4. Had a call to " assist" a women at her residence. turned out she needed us to prop her head up so she could take a nap. Had another call different patient ,where she wanted us to help wipe her #$$ after she did #2 on the potty,and then several shifts later dispatched to same residence for patient assist. She needed us to tuck her into bed.
  5. Great video jeep. Several people I work with really liked it :headbang:
  6. Dude WTF ? :shock: Great,now I'm scared(weasel is in the corner of the room talking to his Mr Squishy toy) :shock:
  7. Must be a road toad.(that's what we call fire police in my area) :roll:
  8. Just put the wet stuff on the hot stuff :wink: . Most of the volly firefighters in my area work full time in EMS somewhere,so there is only a few isolated cases of problems on an EMS scene.
  9. I have never been a big drinker. Usually I have an occasional beer. I'd rather have a good cigar
  10. that's funny right there. Oh man :shock: ,here it comes (weasel is now under the table,and pushes PRPG,and JPINFV out from under the table )
  11. 1.As soon as they get their EMT cert. they wear the EMT t-shirt all over town. :roll: 2.When you are working ,and your getting lunch,they walk up to you in plain clothing and inform you that they are an EMT also,or "new" EMT(I really don't give a crap ,or THANK GOD you told me ,because now I'll feel better knowing this, maybe you might want to give me your phone # so I can call you if I have a question.). :roll: 3.They are new EMT's and they've been working at your squad for several weeks,and wonder why you do 911 calls only and no longer do routine transports. They didn't go to EMT school (for dummies) to do raisin runs.They think it is not fair. 4.This one drives me crazy. When they tell you that " Paramedics save lives,but EMT's save paramedics". :roll:
  12. Guess what? Weasel is back on toooooooooop
  13. Where I work ,we have no "oncall crews". I work 3 on and 4 off, 12 hr shifts. the shifts are all "inhouse".
  14. Now da weasel is on top :shock:
  15. Oh boy,here it comes :shock:
  16. I watched the Weather Channel instead.
  17. I was thinking the same thing about the shirt. Hey Dust, what airline do you work for? I can hear the announcement on the speaker "this is your captain,sit down,fasten your seatbelt shut up and hang on,oh and you better pray" At least he doesn't have a badge :roll:
  18. I get paid in green stamps and food coupons
  19. :wink: Hey PRPG, knowing you as long as I have, this "said" medic would not have lasted with you brother.
  20. Worked with a paramedic (a few years back)who would walk into the day room and change the channel on tv to watch what they wanted when the crews would be sitting watching a show. When we would yell WTF? he/she would point to the orange letters on his/her shirt. ( I got a talking too by the chief :roll: for throwing a large cup of water at said medic). So there is my beef. Medics who point to their patch when you have a (non medical)disagreement with them .
  21. You can "wish" in one hand,and crap in th other and see which one fills first. I agree with PRPG.
  22. I remember that song "Dead Puppies aren't much fun"
  23. I think I just wet my pants trying to read all this. :shock: :? I was off yesterday so, no excitement for me.
  24. aaaah yeah that's it :roll: , retiring my lawn mower. :roll: :shock: time to get out the hip boots. Sheep aint that baaaaaaaad. TPBM likes to go to their nearest Dollar store and pi$$ off the person behind the register,by holding up every item and asking " How much is this?"
  25. I got 25.578 seconds.
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