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weasel 108

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Everything posted by weasel 108

  1. That fire truck is really starting to look dirty. :roll:
  2. Sorry folks I should have went a little further with my comments. I take every call with safety in mind and not just the obvious calls. Unknown calls are always interesting. MVA's you bet safety. I always take note of my surroundings. take care and be safe
  3. like I said before,if you have inhouse crews than good. No volunteers should be responding from home,or "free for all crews (my belief is delay of care if from home). Were I work now,we have 1-2 volunteer EMTs still with us and they are required to stay at station.They ride as a 3rd,and they do not replace paid EMTs.We have no volley medics.I work for another paramedic squad that has a few more volleys ,and same thing. They are required to stay inhouse and they also have no volley medics. take care and be safe.
  4. SSG G-man. If your post after my last one was answering my question, I understand that your crew might already be on a call (you can't be in 2 places at once). What i'm saying is... If 911 call comes in and you have the "free for all" (no set crew) and they don't get out,and next do squad, same thing happens. How about volley crews that are not "inhouse" and come from home? from dispatch to the unit responding and getting on scene,how long has the patient been waiting? Now i'm giving my opinion on this topic,but where I live ,I worked part time for a small town volley paramedic squad,where 90% of the EMTs were volleys. The medic was paid and volleys came from home( they have a very nice station with all the home comforts,some volleys choose not to stay inhouse). So when a call came in the medic was instructed to go responding and he/she would sit on the apron and wait for his/her crew or go to scene and crew would show up.I've already worked shifts,where the medic and I sat on apron and had to wait for the 1-2 volleys to come from home and ride with us (yes that's correct a 3 - 4 man crew).On a previous shift we were being informed by the "county dispatch" that we were going "2nd hit",anyway the medic and I agreed that we would just "go" and we did. When we got back we were welllll given a talking to :roll: (a spanking ) for not waiting for the entire crew. Anyway if you have inhouse volley crews than good for you.
  5. =D> quint,I think the fire truck needs to be cleaned :wink:
  6. If we are dispatched for a call where the scene will be unsafe, we will usually stage a block from incident until P.D. secures the scene.
  7. Oh boy :shock: , time to grab the wife & kids and head for the storm cellar. ( weasel's now running for cellar :roll: )
  8. Okay,let me get this straight. There are volley units that are dispatched and may not get out the door,so the next due dept. has to come and cover the 1st said dept. (What happens if the next due volley squad does not get out?) Last time I made a comment about this, my back side :roll: was chewed off. But I'll say it again. Sounds like they are putting the public at risk ,just to be able to call themselves "volunteers".
  9. I like pancakes :?
  10. Philly? pretzels,tasty cakes, and cheese steaks that's about it. Just make sure your out of the city before dark :lol:Just kidding, Philly has alot of history.I've met some of the medics and F.F. in Philly,and they are a great bunch. =D> Heard through the grape vine that numerous fire EMS units are going BLS. Anybody else from Pa have any actual facts on this?
  11. Rid ,I have to agree with you on this one. Dust, you also make a good point. PRPG you wash your hands? :wink:
  12. I used one similar to that several years ago on an x partner. I picked up the phone and said "hello? oh okay I'll let him know" then I said " hey (name), the village called ,they are looking for you"
  13. :shock: :shock: :shock: (weasel is now culred up in corner of station sucking his thumb) You never danced like that at the station,when you worked with me. :wink: (thank God) :roll: Nothing but love for ya brother
  14. I'm also here for ya. I know what you are going through, been there several times with "bad "calls,that I would like to forget. It helps to have bro's and sister's in EMS to talk to. Anyway take care of yourself my friend.
  15. No I can't say that I've done that, There are laws in Pa. that forbid the weasel from streaking in town. :shock besides,I do not want to put my town through that. I've run naked once through the station ,when one of the other crews stole my clothes and towel and I had to get to the bunkroom from the bathroom:shock:( since that sight,that crew has become chronic bed wetters,and thumb suckers) Does that count? How about running naked through my house (making my wife scream in horror :shock: ) TPBM dances and sings show tunes while taking a shower. :shock:
  16. I had a metal lunch box with "Emergency" on it. :shock: I remember when the 1st Star Wars toys came out. It was nearly impossible to get the figures. Yeah and that damn song "Don't worry be Happy" drove me nuts. Great ,I'm sitting here singing it right now. :roll:
  17. Good luck Dust. Take care and be safe.
  18. I carry 2 hemostats on me :roll: . Like Rid said they are good for hanging an I.V. on odd things.
  19. I usually take about 30-35 minutes to do my truck check. I will still do the check, even if the crew that I'm relieving says that the truck is good and they did not use any items.
  20. I always wear the seatbelt when I ride in the front. Years ago, when I did routine transports,I would wear the seatbelt in the back of the truck. But for the past 4 yrs I have not been wearing one in the back of the truck,so I'm guilty. :?
  21. I 've been shaving my head bald for several years now. Makes me sexy :roll:
  22. Everybody had great ideas. One thing that I would like to add: Please don't come up to me and ask me "what is the grossest thing you ever saw?" because I might say "your face !!! :evil: " or " we were not going to eat here,because your ambulance was parked out in front ha ha :roll: ". My reply"well we have to eat lunch too." (sometimes I just want to reach out and choke someone for the stupid comments made.) (sorry spell check is not working) :?
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