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weasel 108

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Everything posted by weasel 108

  1. Well put Asysin. I do not hate firefighters. Some of my best friends are FF. I was also a FF for 16 yrs. Heck ,I'm sure we all know EMS personnel out there that have ego's and the hero syndrome.
  2. Sorry folks I now have a headache (because I just finished banging my head into the table again) :x . Here we go again with the hose jockey hero worship. FIREMAN to weasel 108: "excuse me ,excuse me ,you are not looking at me and worshiping me. I'm a firefighter,see my t-shirt with the emblem,my vehicle with all the fire logos and lights,and the 6 pagers I'm carrying. Please somebody pay attention to me. I have had no attention for the past several hours. I'm not feeling appreciated. So please Joe public boost my ego." weasel 108 to the FIREMAN: " Okay you are my hero. Now leave me alone." :evil: I agree with paramedicmike and Asysin2leads. OOPS I forgot. Sorry folks for ranting. I'm going to go outside now and kick my neighbors cat. (I think I need stronger psych meds and tylenol) :shock:
  3. That right there is great 8)
  4. Remember the green bug juice they have on the canteen truck PRPG?
  5. Lets see. My shift starts at 06:00 hrs. I'm in station usually by 05:30,where I check my unit (again sorry I almost said bus :wink: ).Wash, decon. Then I'll clean station and clean up night shift's mess :roll: .Drink coffee,use the online training and State CEU training. If I'm not on 911 calls,then I might watch tv. We have all the EMS magazines. Bfore my shift ends at 18:00 hrs (yeah right,always late call and next shift is late ),I usually wash unit again. Someays ,we get busy with 911 calls,so I do not get the chance to do many of these things.
  6. We will usually set up rehab next to the Coffee wagon at working fires ( in my area its called the North Penn Goodwill) or as I like to affectionatly call it the "Bambi Burger Wagon".
  7. I have on numerous occasions worn my fire helmet (oh boy here comes the ba** busting ) in the back of ambulances(Dustdevil, sorry I almost said bus :wink: ) while enroute to hospitals,due to hitting my head on the overhead bar, it saved me from cursing and having a headache. Alright PRPG you can bust my stones now.
  8. I Was dispatched 911 to Nursing Home for "emergency Transport" some time ago.When we arrived at the room,Nurse? :roll: , was sitting on the back of chair reading newspaper, :shock: Pt was a beautifull color blue.(they broke one of my rules :x ) :roll: ,anyway we did CPR,& trans. to Hosp (aprox. 3blocks).Pt survived :shock:I have had a few intresting calls since this incident at some of the other nursing homes in our coverage area.
  9. had an E/D Rn call me an "ambulance driver" so I called her a "bedpan commando".we both laughed,being called an ambulance driver doesn't bother as much any more. I like cabulance driver better.
  10. Squealing Piglet :wink:
  11. Only you buddy. :wink: Weasel doesn't die, everybody loves da weasel :wink:
  12. that's funny
  13. Or you have 3 pagers on your belt. Carry a stethoscope around your neck when your not on a call. Certification stickers all over their back window on car.Have more devices on a duty belt than an electrician carries in his tool belt :roll: .plates on the front of your vehicle. This one drives me crazy- scissors in the band around their helmet:P Hey Dustdevil, I think I'm a wacker because I have an O2 wrench and scissors in my back pocket (I have the begining symptoms of "wackerism") What's the cure?
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