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I was an active poster about 10 years ago, when I was taking an EMT B class. I got an email about DustDevil dying a couple years ago. Sorry to hear him go. I came back to see how things are going here and it looks like a ghost town. Did something happen? Did the board just slowly drop in popularity over time? Looks like my history from 10 years ago is wiped? New management?
Ok, so earlier today I went to the university gym to see what the Judo program's all about, and I ended up needed EMS. Yeah. [s:c744136a0c]They have a tournament this weekend, I ate a lot just beforehand, and they worked us really hard, and[/s:c744136a0c] ok I'll just admit it, I'm really physically unfit. But I had a strange case of something, and I was wondering if you guys have an opinion. So because I had a late class I ate dinner basically 30 minutes before the Judo session. (bad idea). The "Sensei" guy told us to drink lots of water, but I just ate and biked really far and so my stomach wasn't completely settled and so I passed on the water. (bad idea). I'm going to put the exact workout I went through in spoilers because nobody cares. [spoil:c744136a0c]Running (forwards, backwards, sideways) for about sideways, then we picked up the nearest guy fireman-carry style and started running like that. The guy who picked me up was not only heavier than me, while he was carrying me, his shoulder was in my stomach and I couldn't really breath. Then we did various stuffs, situps, leg lifts, jumpy thingies, pushups, wheelbarrows, some kind of judo thing, etc. At that point I felt the urge to vomit, so I left for the bathroom. [/spoil:c744136a0c] I'm also putting the description of what happened in spoiler because it's long and tedious. Long story short: Ate dinner right before exercising, didn't drink water, did a workout I wasn't prepared for. Resulted in the need to vomit. I was dehydrated and overheated, but didn't drink because of the whole need-to-vomit thing. Afterwards, I hyperventilated, and my extremities started tingling and clenching up. spread to arms, legs, face, including eyes and tongue. Arms and legs became immobile, breathing became difficult. What helped: water, recovery position, O2. [spoil:c744136a0c]So anyways, I had to leave for the bathroom because I really felt the need to vomit. I went to the bathroom and leaned over the sink for ~10 minutes, then walked outside and lied on the ground, and that's when my fingers started tingling. I thought it was because they weren't getting enough oxygen so I started breathing harder. (bad idea). I lied on the ground for 5 minutes, then got up and walked back to the martial arts room. The tingling spread to my legs. I sat there for 5 minutes, and the tingling was getting worse and worse, and spread to my face and eyes. My hands started to flex or clench, like when you have your arm in a weird position and the muscles on one side start flexing by themselves. I was still trying to take in more air, because I was convinced the tingling was because I didn't have enough oxygen. (that was pretty retarded, gotta admit.) I had to get on the ground (spread eagle supine), which still didn't help. The tingling was getting stronger and had spread to my tongue, and at that point I was having serious concerns about passing out or brain damage. The sensei noticed and came over to help me. He poured some water on my head, and told me that I felt very hot and was probably dehydrated. I told him that I didn't feel either, and he said "nobody every does". I felt a little better, but not much. At that point my arms were completely flexed and immobile, and my legs were starting to do the same. I was also hyperventilating. The sensei called an ambulance at this point. They had seen this happen to people before but never with clenching muscles. They knew I was most likely dehydrated and overheated, so they gave me some water to drink, but they were holding me up in a sitting position. I tried to get back down into the recovery position, but they wouldn't let me down. I finally convinced them to let me down, and immediately felt much better in that position. EMS came and asked me some questions, gave me O2, which helped a lot for some reason. They asked me some questions and I asked for an AMA, which they gave me.[/spoil:c744136a0c] What do you guys think it was? [spoil:c744136a0c]My initial reaction was to suspect some kind of shock, because of the whole tingling extremities thing. The paramedic told me something about hyperventilation removing CO2 from the blood doing something to the calcium in muscles and causing them to clench up. I looked it up and Tetany came up. That would be my best guess, anyway [/spoil:c744136a0c]
But to sue someone for selling a gun, there would first have to be gun control laws in place, wouldn't there? The seller of guns are just selling the guns, not pulling the triggers. Of course without gun control laws there could be a case for pain and suffering or something, but I'm not a lawyer. Can anybody with a legal background comment on this?
This may be where the snafu happened, since "mentally defective" does not fit perfectly into either category, although this is the only article that mentions it so I can't vouch for its accuracy.
We must be some kind of long-lost opposite twins, because nothing I've read said he was involuntarily committed. In fact, I've read many times that he was NOT involuntarily committed. He was not declared outright mentally defective, but as I've said, he was declared "an immediate danger to himself", which falls into the range of “adjudicated as a mental defective.” Credit companies are more thorough with history because there is a greater incentive. One, they want to be absolutely certain that they get their money and two they want to find more ways to charge you money. Giving you a credit card is a long term deal while selling a gun is a one time transaction. The only incentive is gun control laws.
hmmm.... half right. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/20/us/20cnd...nyt&emc=rss He was not involunatrily commited, but declared "an immediate danger to himself", which falls into the range of “adjudicated as a mental defective,” which means he shouln't have been able to buy a gun. The background check should have caught it, but apparently there's a problem with the reporting methods and the court ruling didn't show up. Thanks for bringing that up. I had no idea. The point still is, you cannot and do not call him a "resident alien" and try to pretend that this is some kind of problem caused by foreigners, which is what the media have been doing all this time. Some even go as far as to re-name his green card a "resident alien card". Cho Sueng Hui lived 15 of his 23 years in america and it's rather odd to deny that he's american too.
I haven't read this thread at all, so apologize if this has already been brought up, but I find how poorly the poll was made humorously entertaining.
He was a permanent legal resident, don't pass him off as a foreign problem. In virginia, there IS no difference between legal permanent resident and citizen in terms of buying a gun.
I guess the original statement was to contrast the idea that you should definitely buy a gun because you'll be automatically safer. When I was in drivers ed class, and in the California Drivers Handbook it is made explicitly clear to us that driving is a privilege. Well, in the CDH it's not explicitly stated, but if you read it, the phrase "driving privilege" is commonplace, while the phrase "driving right" is non-existant. This is probably because some people told them to write it that way. The best official explaination I can find on why it has been decided this way is here: I think it's also important to note this:
Well, I guess I over-zealously assumed that you were in a juristiction that didn't ban guns. However it appears that the original purpose was lost over the various responses. I am not for gun prohibition, but for strict gun control. As I said before, the necessity of a gun is situational (largely by region), so, (I guess I should add "If guns are legal in your area" at this point), then figure out if your situation warrants a gun. Yes, the default position is that everyone gets to drive just as the default position in many places is everyone gets to own a gun. But in both scenarios the PRIVILEGE is very conditional. Whether you decide to interpret the conditions as a burden of proof on either side is up to you. And by the way, the burden of proof is on the motorist to prove he has enough driving proficiency to deserve the privilege of driving. I don't know about you, but I took a driving class, driving permit test, and driving license road test before I was granted a provisional license. Can't disagree with the rest of your post. Asysin2leads, I must say I'm disappointed in you. Using a "what-if" scenario is just about the lamest and most unaccepted rhetorical strategies out there. I've got a scenario for you. What if you had just entered a Home Depot and a small volcano spontaneously erupted in the center of the store? Do you chose to leave through the entrance you just came in from? OH SNAP I'm sorry while your attention was focused on the volcano someone dropped a bear trap behind you. As you turn to leave the trap closes on your leg and you are trapped. You sit there helpless, nursing your broken leg. You'll have a limp on that side for the rest of your life. Oh, did I say volcano? I meant baking soda and vinegar volcano. If you hadn't turned around you would never have sustained permanent damage to your leg.
Right. And by saying that to you I was assuming you personally had that choice. I was using the word "reasonable" to mean people that are able to accurately assess risk and make an educated decision on whether or not it is a good idea to own a gun. The point was that, you can't just have "decide for yourself" as a rule (or, law,) for who should and shouldn't have a gun, because not everybody is reasonable enough to make a correct decision. This is why we have gun control. Just like the statement "assess your risk and decide for yourself whether it is a good idea to be driving at the moment". This would never pass into law, because if people were really that reasonable, we wouldn't have kids killing themselves by drunk driving or people driving too fast in bad weather. So, we have traffic laws. And the point was, while there are so many things for which there are concievable situations where these emergency items would become necessary, it would be rather strange to forgo all of the others, and then state that the reason you carry a gun is for emergency situations.
The problem is, that sentence only works as an advisory statement and will never be workable as legal code, because 1. It assumes that all people are reasonable. (Whereas I used it in addressing Michael and I'm relatively certain that he's a reasonable person.) 2. It does not address when and where you are allowed to use your gun, which is the subject on which this thread was started and on which legislation was recently passed.
Well Michael, I've got a question for you. Can you imagine a situation in which you wish you carried an AED around? or an epi-pen? or a pocket mask? Now, how many people do you know that DO carry around medical equipment? As I said before, in my opinion, the necessity of a gun is very situational. Me, I should never carry a gun because I'm extremely implusive, have no self control, and live in an area where the likelyhood of needing a gun is something like 1/n as n approaches infinity. (Both when I'm at my college dorm and when I drive back home.) I would feel safer without a weapon that could cause instant death than with one. So in summary, yes, I can imagine a situation where I wish a gun would be available to me or someone I know. However, the likelyhood of such an event in my life is extremely unlikely. Likewise, I can imagine a situation where I wish a gas mask, an defibrillator, a stick of dynamite, a fire-extinguisher, or a parachute would be available to someone I know. Although, the number of people who live in a situation such as mine is not the highest, to say the least. I didn't realize that there was 1 violent crime per 13 people every year in california. So assess the amount of risk there is in your life and decide for yourself whether it would be a good idea to have a gun.
To say that a higher or lower crime rate between locations is only because guns weren't banned or guns were banned is a bad way to interpret statistics, since there are an INCREDIBLY large number of confounding variables. But if you really want to, http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/ Index is supposedly the sum of violent crime, property crime, murders, forcible rapes, robberies, aggrevated assaults, burglaries, larcenies, and vehicle thefts. Since the Index doesn't really add up, I added my own category (Sum), which is the sum of all columns besides year, Population, and Index. Coincidentally, it equals the Index*2, counting rounding error. Looks like someone accidentally inputed the average-of-two-values formula instead of the sum formula. Data for 2005 TX Population: 22,859,968 Index: 1,111,384 Index/Population: 0.048617041 Sum: 2,222,768 Sum/Pop: 0.097234082 NY Population: 19,254,630 Index: 491,829 Index/Population: 0.025543415 Sum: 983,658 Sum/Pop: 0.05108683 CA Population: 36,132,147 Index: 1,390,710 Index/Population: 0.038489548 Sum: 2,781,419 Sum/Pop: 0.076979068 KY Population: 4,173,405 Index: 128,114 Index/Population: 0.030697716 Sum: 233,118 SumRatio: 0.055857986 Of course, none of this actually means anything besides the number of crimes and the population. It tells nothing of the reasons, conditions of living, economic status, percentage of people under poverty line, etc. Edit: I just realized the Sum value for Kentucky does not equal twice the Index value and for the life of me I cannot figure out why.