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  • Location
    Shawnee, Kansas
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    Looking for a job now!

Zdeaner911's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have seen one and I think they are a real back saver!!
  2. Hey there Buffalo Girl may I suggest... checking out this web site....www.prenhall.com/emtachieve a friend of mine from my EMT class gave me her password and allowed me to use this site... so I don't know if there is a charge to this or not. It saved and HELPED me out so much!! I passed my NREMT written on the first try, practicals too. There are four 150 basic tests for you to practice on. and 5 other catagories.. Airway, Medical, Trauma, OB, Operations, etc. It will review any questions you miss. you can take the tests as many times as you want untill you feel ready. I know this helped me pass!!! Good luck to you... Im in Shawnee Kansas, just on the other side of the KCMO ~D~
  3. I am 43 AND a woman and I just passed the National Registry. I know if I can do this ...you can as well..!!!
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